Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Nostradamus' C.8 Q.56: The astrologer who guides a contrite pope on climate change.

Nostradamus' C.8 Q.56:  The astrologer who guides a contrite pope on climate change.

The most notable anagram in this verse  is that for astrologer as no other variants of this term are found anywhere else in the Prophecies. The guidance provided by the anagrams moves the focus to a contrite pope who consults fourteen astrologists about the troubles that climate change brings upon his throne. This is once again a verse that has relevance to events accompanying his predicted flood for the end of this century when seventy percent of all land will be underwater (See my paper on Floods for more).
The weak band will occupy the land,
those of high places will make dreadful cries. 
The large herd of the outer corner troubled, 
near D.nebro it falls discovered by the writings.
La bande foible le tertre occupera 
Ceux de hault lieu feront horribles crys 
Le gros troppeau de$tre coin troublera 
Tombe pres D. nebro de$couuers les e$cris
  1. <aLdebaran [alpha Tauri] cup befoil core letter><pure correct a banaL>parabLe
  2. <horriblest cry exCused> <till fourteen><futile throne hauled><fortune lie>north cyrSes
  3. <a contrite pope uSed><pape uSed bluer astroLoger><coresident real trouble> <Larger Secretion trouble troops><into ruble Legators [will maker] prop re-educatEs> <Praepostor English head student] uSed> <reLabel into our Secret> <aL gores ion trouble> eSoteric Sector
  4. <leSser peers benD coderS Tomb crises><elSe uuorse codeS><leSser codeS uu borne><**peer Sees mob benDs crisT decorouS rules**> ulcerous enrobeD
  1. correct, 'core letter', astrologer, 'real trouble', praepostor
  2. aldebaran, futile, 'Al Gore', re-label, re-educates, decorous
  3. legators, enrobed
  4. cryses (y=i), crises (different line)
  5. parable, horriblest, fourteen,coresident, troops, contrite, esoteric, bend(s)
  6. befoil, till, ulcerous
  7. fortune, north, secretion
  8. -
  9. pope
  10. -
  11. sector
  12. -
  13. throne
  14. -
  15. banal
  16. -
  17. bluer
  18. cry, excused
  19. -
  20. -
  21. coders

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