Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Nostradamus C.3 Q.75: The science of astronomy, terrorists and the art of future-seeing.

Nostradamus C.3 Q.75: The science of astronomy, terrorists and the art of future-seeing.

Science is found as an anagram in this verse and this provides a 'tree of Life' link [built from paired verses] to C.01 Q.17. The text of that verse is dominated by climatic events. The term 'science' in both defines the focus and in this verse there are powerful anagrams for astronomic events. These include supernovae, gaseous, en-vapour and canceriser but these are supported by timing clues that at first seem unrelated. There is for example a theme of terror carried by anagrams such as terrorising, terrorised and misdeeds. These seemed tied to the Middle-ages and to an anagram for Sades. The Maquis de Sade comes to mind but he was alive two hundred years after Nostradamus' death and it was Nostradamus who lived at the end of the Middle-ages. The verses anagrams provide the links that make this a very prescient connection since the de Sade family had a connection to Nostradamus' birth place in provence. Below is ana extract from a tourist brochure from St Remy.
Other renowned figures associated with the village include the Marquis de Sade, whose family manor the Hotel de Sade is located here (now the Musee Archeologique). St Remy is also the birth place of Nostradamus.
from St Remy Guide
But this still leaves a gap between Nostradamus and the Marquis, a gap that other anagrams help to explain. One of these is telegnosis which means foreseeing events from the future and this is reinforced by anagarams such as predesignates and prechose. So Nostradamus is giving clues  that this time period in the eigteenth century is important and that importance lies in the gaseous supernovae reference. In the extract below is a brief extract that sets out the date and circumstance of how such events as supernovae and other non-eternal stellar objects came to be recorded in a scientific manner (Messier objects).
The Messier objects (from Wikipedia) are a set of astronomical objects first listed by French astronomer Charles Messier in 1771.[1] Messier was a comet hunter, and was frustrated by objects which resembled but were not comets, so he compiled a list of them,[2] in collaboration with his assistant Pierre Méchain, to avoid wasting time on them.
The term supernovae has no place in the vocabulary of a 16th century man who died in 1568 since the first supernovae that has a recorded history was observed in 1572 and the term was not applied to this event or any other until some time after this 1572 Supernovae.
So this verse is meant to convey Nostradamus' capability in scientific matters as well as tell a story relevant to the end of this century. This connection to the future is conveyed by the anagrams of the last two lines in which there are strong indications that all the foregoing was meant to lead to the dark and gloomy events that men will see.
 It is much like seeing in a flaming mirror, where the vision of the great events is clouded, sad, prodigious and calamitous. Events that in due time will fall upon the principal worshippers, firstly upon the temples of God; secondly, upon those who, sustained by the earth, approach such a decadence. Also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.
Epistle to Henry 1558 (HEE7a)
C.III Q.75
Pau, verone, Vicence, Sarragousse,
From distant swords lands wet with blood:
Very great plague will come with the great shell,
Relief near, and the remedies very far.
Pau verone Vicence Sarragou$$e
De glaiues loings terroirs de $ang humides
Pe$te $i grande viendra a la grand gou$$e
Proche $ecours et bien loing les remedes.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <Science oVen><suPernovae (1572) eVince [brings out]><gaSeous canceriSer envaPour><**naV-arre Science go over PauSeS> <noVice Scene> eSPouSe
  2. <**louise Sades hung terrorising miDdleages**> <louise restoring al geDi><hangS terrorised losing 'al gEdi' use> <stronger>genitors telegnosis [knowledge of future events] misDeed
  3. <**an invader PredeSignateS graal god uSeS**><angrieSt eSPouseS grand graal envied> <dangerouS-PageS aSSerting graal reinvaded><SungodS> argala [Indian stork] SandgrouSe [pigeon]
  4. <Prechose best Source redeems longline><best line Source he Proceeds><lone source Prechose redeems single bit> tenebrious [gloomy])
  1. Canceriser, telegnosis, terrorising Middle-ages, terrorised., Sun-gods,'best source', 'lone bit', tenebrious
  2. science, gaseous, supernovae, envapour, predesignates, asserting, Sun-god, long-line
  3. novice, stronger, long-lines, proceeds
  4. hangs, restoring, sandgrouse
  5. genitors
  6. evince, redeems
  7. reinvaded, espouses
  8. 'al Gedi', argala
  9. pre-chose
  10. angriest
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. pauses
  15. single
  16. -
  17. -
  18. Louise
  19. espouse (2 in this verse)
  20. -

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