Monday, July 14, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.88 : Mayoress who squanders the opportunity to be prepared for disaster.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.88 : Mayoress who squanders the opportunity to be prepared for disaster.

This verse is one of two that holds anagrams for 'squanders' and both relate to disaster events. Verse C.01 Q.17 relates to climate change while this specifies detail about place and time. The anagrams  of the current quatrain have the theme of climate change carried through its reference to seafronts rising and some who see it gaining treasonous pleasure from what it means for them. But this verse also is specific in its detail about this personage even relating their medical history as a means of identification.
C.VI Q.88
A great realm will be left desolated,
Near the Ebro an assembly will be formed:
The Pyrenees mountains will console him,
When in May lands will be trembling.
Vn regne grand demourra de$ole
Au pres del Hebro $e feront a$$emblees
Monts Pyrenees le rendront con$ole
Lors que dans May $eront terres trembles
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <our ordealS neVer demand / damned><armoured solVe deranged><rumored gangrened>
  2. <beHolders pleAsure foreSent><beHeld SeafrontS roSe><presumAble forSee treaSonS beHeld><He forSee treaSonS pleAsured><persuAde Semble {imitate]> repulsed
  3. <soleMn syntroPe [similar bits]><serene sPlenotomY><colonS oMen not serenely render><Molten Pyres seen> PyrMonts MeSocolon MoonletS
  4. <MayoreSs squander meters rotten beLls><Mans attorneyS><squanders MonaStery><metres beLls aMends yearS torrent><Amends eaSy torrent roqus meters beLls>
  1. Beholders, beheld, mesocolon, splenotomy, attorneys
  2. gangrened, presumable, colons, moonlets, serenely, monastery, squander(s)
  3. -
  4. solve / loves, bells
  5. armoured
  6. rumored, Mayoress
  7. -
  8. Pyrmonts (all as 'monts pry')
  9. demand / damned, syntrope
  10. -
  11. foresent, seafronts. pleasures, easy
  12. forsee, repulsed
  13. deranged, ordeals, seafront, molten
  14. pleasured, torrent (+3 as 'torrent')
  15. -
  16. -
  17. pyres
  18. -
  19. treasons
  20. amends, years

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