Monday, July 14, 2014

Nostradamus C.6 Q.02: Source of planetary sound-ciphers for Jupiter lie in Nordic sagas.

Nostradamus C.6 Q.02: Source of planetary sound-ciphers for Jupiter lie in Nordic sagas.

This verse delivers Nostradamus' ciphers for combinations of planets. The secret lies in the repetitive 'on' sound in the text  and it is the way the sound switches between the forms 'on', 'lon', 'son', 'ron' and 'ton' that defines the ciphers.
Now the years and wording of the text make it difficult to apply sensible meaning however I believe it is a cryptic way of assigning Jupiter as the prime cipher in this verse. If the verse number of 602 is added to 580 years a total of 1182 is achieved. The period of Jupiter is 11.86179 years and this means there would be 99.65 cycles of Jupiter. Within another four years there would be 100 cycles so by this means a very strange century is awaited as stated in the text. By using the same method for the 703 years we have 110.15 cycles of Jupiter. The difference is 10.5 cycles of Jupiter which places it in the opposite sign of the zodiac, a process in which five zodiac kingdoms have been passed through.
The first line holds four 'on' ciphers, 'en', 'lan', 'cen' and 'tan'. The second line has 'on', 'ten' and 'ran'. In the third there are 'en', 'lan', 'cen' and 'en'.  The fourth contains 'ron' and 'chan'. Together they offer five unique cipher models based on their associative vowel. It is possible to deduce that the sequence of vowel sounds for the five kingdoms is  "nlctr"
C.6 Q.02
In the year five hundred eighty more or less,
One will await a very strange century:
In the year seven hundred and three the heavens are witness
That several kingdoms one to five will make a change.
En l'an cinq cens octante plus et moins
On attendra le $iecle bien e$trange
En l'an $ept cens et trois cieux en te$moings
Qui plu$ieurs regnes vn a cinq feront change.
  1. <constant pulse><mEntions planet use><pentacost><constance>< mEntions clan incq>
  2. On Slice be alternated argentineS><decentraliSe arSenite tOnnage><nOtate eternaliSed grantS><beeline Star><iSrael attend entrieS celeb gone><**agen nOtate icelanderS bile enterS**><generantS re-annOtated>
  3. <next Some planetS Ensign ><uxe osiric tenets><mentionS angEls excretitious scent> <planetS scene mentionS excretitious sign><**eroticist scene mentionS planEtS uxe**><genomiSt secretitious xen><pentacleS Ensign sent>
  4. <uuiSer genres eQuip><evanescing [disappearing]><incq forechant> ieuuS
  1. beeline, pentacles, 'Icelanders notate', excretitious, secretitious, evanescing
  2. constant, Pentacost, re-annotated, eroticist, forechant
  3. Constance, Argentines, decentralise, tonnage, Osiric
  4. alternated, eternalised
  5. mentions (2 in this verse), genomist
  6. notate, generants
  7. Icelanders
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. planets
  12. -
  13. next
  14. -
  15. planet
  16. -
  17. ieuus (Jews)
  18. -
  19. ensign

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