This intriguing verse conveys a sense of importance through its enigmatic
wording and it resonates with the themes I present in this series on Nostradamus means of communication with the past and future. The text reads as though there is a drug filled mind that sees the dreamer drifting
in a visionary world where older constraints no longer apply. It reads
much like the Song of Odin where the haunted person hung for nine days on the Tree of Life.
C.4 Q.25
Lofty bodies endlessly visible to the eye,
Through these reasons they will come to obscure:
Body, forehead included, sense and head invisible,
Diminishing the sacred prayers.
Hung I was on the windswept tree;
Nine full nights I hung,
Pierced by a spear,
a pledge to the god,
To Odin, myself to myself,
On that tree which none
can know the source
From whence its root has run.None gave me bread,
none brought a horn.
Then low to earth I looked.
I caught up the runes,
roaring I took them,
And, fainting, back I fell.
The anagrams
are no less enigmatic but they do reflect the same tone as the text. They
tell us the sub-process is unmissable and by reference to the
Nordic 'Song
of the Sibil' (i$ibl) that it involves a vision of death and
the apocalypse. Other anagrams that provide the structure of this
verse include Odinism (ons Dimii), unmissable (ublimes $an),
process (es Corps), subprocess (es Corps $ub),
(minuant l), minds (ns Dim) and admission (aisons Dim).
C.4 Q.25
Lofty bodies endlessly visible to the eye,
Through these reasons they will come to obscure:
Body, forehead included, sense and head invisible,
Diminishing the sacred prayers.
Corps $ublimes $ans final oeil vi$ibles
Obnubiler viendront par ces rai$ons
Corps front comprins $ens chief et inui$ibles
Diminuant les $acrees oraisons.
Adjacent Anagrams plus Anagrams of highest
Selection Order based on letter rarity, word and sequence length plus line completion
Selection Order based on letter rarity, word and sequence length plus line completion
L1: <if alone evil Sibil proCeSs unmiSsable><aimleSs SubproCess><final olive><Seas alfonSine limb><alfonsine seiSmal subproCesS><evil Sibil (Norse apocalyptic singer) alone sublimeS Corpse>
L2: <Scenarios driven on part> <bOnus carrieS patron son><sO nubile driven patron raiSe son><portance driven> <nord not revile airS sparce bOnus><sOon raiSes>
L3: <inches feet uisible in>proCess for><chinese Sins><chief unitieS><Sibil unite chiefs front Corpses>
L4: <oDins luminant careSs><so i soar in careleSS minDs><a Disunionism Scare arose ><aunt aDmission rose><inDiums careleSs son i arose> <oDinisms aunt i arose>