Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 70 (C.IV Q.70)

Nostradamus QuatrainsQuatrain ListsAllanuu@hotmail.com eMail Link Nostratextor BlogMy Rules etc Allan Webber websiteMy Web SiteAmazon BooksMy e-Books

Nostradamus' Centuries 4 Quatrain 70

This verse and its battle tale relies for its interpretation on one of the tales of Hercules. The first line holds a cluster of anagrams saying 'strongmans Prey seen' and another saying 'Bi syntroPe [same words] once seen.' The text of the first two lines identify Heracles' prey as the Eagle of the Caucasian Mountains. The Caucasian Eagle was a gigantic bird commanded by Zeus to feed on the ever-regenerating liver of the Titan Prometheus. This punishment was odered after he was chained to the peak of Mount Kaukasos for stealing fire from the gods.When Heracles set out to free Prometheus from his bonds, he shot down the eagle with a volley of arrows. Afterwards the Eagle, the Titan and the Arrow were all placed  amongst the stars in the form of the constellations Aquila, the Kneeler and Saggita.

There is another interesting anagram for 'ungeodetic' in the first line for by it Nostradamus' states an obvious truth; the Caucasus and the Pyrenees Mountains are not physically contiguous. Yet there are many ways in which they are since both are at about forty-two degrees above the equator, both slope from the north-west to the southeast and lie between two large bodies of water and they each form important national boundaries

It can be implied from this verse that Nostradamus sees these regions as united by the Heraclean myth about the man who stole Fire from the Gods. Nostradamus' modern tale involves Paul the strongman of the Christian religion whose dominance of the church drove those related to the Jesus lineage from Galilee and the Middle-East. The Pyrenees where Nostradamus lived for several years abound with tales that Jesus family migrated to that region. The fourth line of this verse offers an unconvincing suggestion of this tale but although its anagrams are quite common and its clusters are not strong and it is has consistency with the theme in other verses that makes their appearance worthy of note. Jews, Paul and Jesus of Galilee together with Paques, the French name for Easter provide the lines credentials and through them the story of Jesus' line remains a thorn that can ignite the great religious war of this century.

This verse is one of several that uses loose connections of related words that the methods of Sephirot Coding unifies. They are about ancient themes on the immortality of Gods and Jesus and the relevance of these concepts in fuelling a war late in the 21st Century. Verses C.IV Q.70 /Q.72 / Q.74 are part of this jigsaw as is C.I Q.62.

Quite contiguous to the great Pyrenees mountains,
One to direct a great army against the Eagle:
Veins opened, forces exterminated,
As far as Pau will he come to chase the chief.
Bien contigue des grans monts Pyrenees
Vn contre l'aigle grand copie addre$$er
Ou vertes vienes forces exterminees
Que jusque a Pau le chef viendra cha$$er
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <ungeodetic ranges><counting d(e)grees><guides ranges><once seen Bi syntroPe [same words ]><strongmans Prey seen>
  2. <dread VerSeS nonrecital><SeerS nonVertical><addreSS copied><relocating large><triangle conSerVeS><oriental> <galilee>
  3. <seventies Overuse><forseen restive> <force exerts><see enforces vOu in restive extremes>
  4. <jesu SQuare arch> <Paul uuaqes><leech five><chaSeS invader><jeuu Paques [Easter]>

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Centuries 1 Quatrain 62 (C.I Q.62)

Nostradamus QuatrainsQuatrain ListsAllanuu@hotmail.com eMail Link Nostratextor BlogMy Rules etc Allan Webber websiteMy Web SiteAmazon BooksMy e-Books

Nostradamus' Centuries 1 Quatrain 62

The wording of this verse is very applicable to old religious documents rejected by the orthodox church. The anagrams underpinning it suggest the reference is to non-canonical texts such as the Muratorian fragment. This ancient writing offers  parts of the lost Gospel/ Apocalypse/ Revelation of Peter, a testament that was rejected for its non-acceptance of the mystical nature of Jesus' ascension. It includes a conventional end-of-days retribution against the sinful but accepts that some sinners will not perish. This tale lies closer to the Norse tale of Ragnarok than the accepted Christian Doomsday model and thereby comes closer to the earthly disaster model Nostradamus implies he saw for the end of this century and beyond.

This verse is one of several that uses loose connections of related words that the methods of Sephirot Coding unifies. They are about ancient themes on the immortality of Gods and Jesus and the relevance of these concepts in fuelling a war late in the 21st Century. Verses C.IV Q.70 /Q.72 / Q.74 are part of this jigsaw as is C.I Q.62.

Alas! what a great loss there will be to letters
before the cycle of Latona is perfected.
Fire, great floods, by more ignorant rulers;
how long the centuries until it is seen to be restored.

Le grande perte las que feront les lettres
Auant le cicle de Latona parfaict
Feu grand deluge plus par ignares Sceptres
Que de long Siecle ne Se verra refaict.

Anagram Clusters contained in French text

  1. <enLarged stolen letters equals peter><fourteen>
  2. <aunt cecile dealt><fair Act inculcate><to lead pan africa>
  3. <peter careSsing><landed reFuges><reaSsign sceptre> <perFectS urge reaSsign pauls unpledged>
  4. <rare verSe golden Silence><fear acQuit>

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 32 (C.IV Q.32)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 32

But the danger of the times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets should not be bared except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only one sense and meaning and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted.
Nostradamus, 1558 in his Epistle to King Henry
This claim by Nostradamus can only be true if the lettering of the verse delivers means of stripping away those things that make the text obscure. I show in each of the verses I present how this result is achieved when the underlying  complex, rare anagrams are used in conjunction with the imagery in the text.  In this verse I will highlight this process a liitle more than usual in order to stress that my rules  achieve Nostradamus' claim. It is only by such means as offered by the anagrams that a single image can arise out of Nostradmus' self proclaimed obscuration  and this strength can still come from a multi-layered tale which integrates more than one story drawn from the past in order to portray the future.
There are anagrams for both pharmacies and pharmaceutist in the first line with second word being part of a cluster of adjacent anagrams saying 'pharmaceutist poisons radon use lie'.  The dominant word is pharmacutical with the other words being far more common. Poisons for example occurs as an anagram twelve times in the Prophecies and ten arise out of the French word for fish so its not rare in its own right. However these terms lead to both a specific date, 1931-1932, and a specific place in Russia
  1. Es lieux et temps chair au poi$$on donra lieu
Neither of the key words occurs anywhere else but here and they use sufficiently independent lettering for this pairing  to be considered non-trivial. The anagram for pharmaceutist being adjacent to lettering that yields the word poisons is totally in keeping with that profession since  the original Greek root of pharma is specifically applied to poison. In addition pharmacies defines  a class for the 'places' referred to in the  text.

C.4 Q.32

  • In the places and times of flesh giving way to fish
  • The communal law will be made in opposition:
  • It will hold strongly the old ones, then removed from the scene
  • Loving of Everything in Common put far behind.

 The term pharmaceutist is one not used in Nostradamus' time nor was the word pharmacies. A Pharmaceutist is not just one who dispenses medicine nor one who mixes them according to customary practice but a peron who transforms a new chemical formulation into a usable medicine. Such people only became known as pharmaceutists in the 19th century.
And Marie Curie is the pioneering pharmaceutist to which this verse alludes. There a is tone to this verse that identifies it with Stalinist Russia where Marie Curie was born in 1867. Her place of birth was Warsaw, Poland and although a naturalised citizen of France she remained loyal to her homeland and notably in 1931 her research and development efforts led to the successful foundation of the Radium Institute of Warsaw, a body specifically formed for transforming the salts of radium and its gaseous offspring (radon) into effective medical products.
In order for Nostradamus to fulfil his claim of clarity his verses could not always deliver the wording he wanted and so parts of verses had to be dedicated to stating how the other pars should be read. This is true of the second line where Nostradamus spells out how he uses another event in Russia to clarify the time and place  says some of it is in opposition and there is good reason to believe this refers to the relationship of flesh and fish in the pivotal first line. In 1932 under Stalin's instructions the Church of Christ the Saviour was demolished in order to build a Palace of the People with a mammoth statue of Stalin to be mounted on its top. Here we have the fish representing Christ replaced by the flesh of Stalin, or  the suppression of Christianity in Russia. his then offers a multi-layered allusion that gives sense to the lines that follow since they accord with the Stalinist era of destruction of churches and the repression of all religion.
Marie Curie, radium, pharmacology and Russia form a focus for issues that seem central to Nostradamus' purpose. Not only were they intellectually interesting and professionally relevant to Nostradamus. 16th century activities they define the aspects at the heart of the Great Mutations and Wars of the 21st century.  It is a complex web but it achieves the result of definition of what on the surface appears obscure. It is the unambiguous anagrams that provide enlightenment to the current verse and it is this same method that delivers the truth of Nostradamus claim to every verse.
To bring this to a close then, my son, take this gift from your father M. Nostradamus, who hopes to explain to you every one of the prophecies set out in these quatrains.
End of Preface to Cesar 1555
  The anagrams of the second and third line can now be seen as consistent with the story of a remarkable woman who not only discovered the existence of radium and radon but became a radiographer during World War I and successfully advocated for the use of these chemicals in the treatment of disease. She became one of the early victims of these modern minerals whose peril was of an invisible kind.
The anagrams of the last line do not slot into the same mould and there is no reasonable way that they can be seen as part of the story of radiation in the 20th century yet they have their place in rendering clarity to the verse. It would be foolish for any code to fall into the trap of predictability for this enables it to be broken easily. All the indications are that Nostradamus didn't make this mistake and the fourth line illustrates how variation  is not a wasted effort. The lettering of the line is such that it is quite capable of delivering a unique message but there are very few anagrams of worth to be found within it. There is however a sequence that says 'Planet rrier formations'.   The anagram for formations only occurs here but there are thirteen others for planet and there is no word based on the lettering rrier. Yet planet formations is evocative of a precise dating mechanism and rrier could then well be the ciphers for the positions of the five main planets during the period of the story. Such a mechanism would then remove ambiguity about the date. If this is the case then this lettering is likely to refer to the planetary configuration on November 22nd 1931 when three planets Mars, Venus and Mercury were in conjunction in Ophiuchus and Jupiter was in Leo. And with these facts known the anagrams in line four for 'ophiachan lion (a-chiona-ph_ilon)' become relevant.
And there is only one event in history that seems apt for this timing and placement. In 1931  Oleksandra Smyrnova (born on May 31, 1880, in Pereyaslav, Poltava gubernia, Ukraine) was accepted into the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences, taught at the Institute of Clinical Physiology, and became a department head in 1938, a position she filled until 1953. In 1933-1941, Smyrnova also served in the Department of Pathological Anatomy at the Second Kyiv Medical Institute. Of her scholarly works, the most important were studies of the pathological anatomy of radiation sickness, infectious diseases and the origin of tumors.
She died in Kyiv on September 22, 1962.
Although it may be disputed that this is the proper explanation of this verse it is indisputable that this process affords a means by which Nostradamus' verses could ultimately be unambiguous.
C.4 Q.32

  • In the places and times of flesh giving way to fish
  • The communal law will be made in opposition:
  • It will hold strongly the old ones, then removed from the scene
  • Loving of Everything in Common put far behind.

  1. Es lieux et temps chair au poi$$on donra lieu
  2. La loy commune $era faicte au contraire
  3. Vieux tiendra fort puis o$te du millieu
  4. Le Panta chiona philon mis fort arriere
Anagram sequences found in the above lines of French text.
  1. <pharmacies text><uxe radon poiSons pharmaceutist usE lie>
  2. <Loyal communeS fear><counteract aerial><accentuator><africa See acute> <correLational><aLloy><recreationaLly- common-uSe>
  3. <utopiSts trained for illumed Vieuux><rad-ium doses-it put for ill>
  4. <Phial formations><ophiacan lion Planet><PaLeoethnic [earliest men] ><Placentae>



Friday, December 20, 2013

Centuries 10 Quatrain 21. (C.X Q.21)

Nostradamus' Centuries 10 Quatrain 21.

This verse is one of those Nostradamus supplied to give detail of a single event that will act as his time marker of far greater events. It is about the cause of war when a king afflicted with impotence seeks wrongful advice in order to impress his sons. The consequences are that he is killed by that son because of the legacy the father carries. In the text Nostradamus uses a reference to the Magi and in so doing he  identifies the underlying topic of radiation which uses an eternal fame burning without heat. Its anagrams depict a tale of incompetent advice that fails to solve the king's issues and leads to further problems such as depression.  
C.10 Q.21
Through the spite of the King supporting the lesser He will be murdered presenting the jewels to him: The father wishing to impress nobility on the son Does as the Magi did of yore in Persia.
Par le de$pit du Roy $ou$tenant moindre Sera meurdry luy pre$entant les bagues Le pere au filz voulant noble$$e poindre Fait comme a Perse jadis feirent les magues.
Anagram sequences in the French Text.
  1. <So youR Predominant tuneS leaderS><deputiSed><Stupid dealer> <Preordain><anointment>
  2. <meAsure usage><tables gueSs an eaStern arm purely dry>
  3. <depreSSion peeL[signals] noble ovulant failurez>
  4. <friendliest games atomic Fuse>.<amPeres [current] atomic Fuse><refines metals><aid fertileness><eternalism Fatigues><males entire Fatigues><magus commit saFe><use segmental fires> 

Centuries 10 Quatrain 66 (C.X Q.66)

 Nostradamus' Centuries 10 Quatrain 66

This verse is another in the tale of genetic manipulations Nostradamus foresaw for this century. The details of this incident indicate that genetic change experiments are conducted by an American institution headed by a rich Texan but they have the authority of the British government and act within its guidelines.  The results are bad with unexpected side effects and a non-containment effect that sees its impact rapidly spread around the world.
 There are several anagram-words that distinctively shape the outcome yet at the same time they unite closely with the story of the text. Pellagra, Flodden, chimera, Texan are prime examples of this unique fitting. Flodden Fields are a part of Scottish, English military history (1513CE). Pellagra is an ailment arising from nutrient deficiency.  Chimera is a term relating to rapid, almost spontaneous, emergence of a new living body or part. A cosset is a pet (or experimental) lamb raised by hand away from its mother. These anagrams and several others are extremely rare in the Prophecies. Pellagra, landmasses, cossets and unobservant only occur here and others such as Texan only have one other occurrence. And there are many such as Flodden, crime and astounds that have fewer than four other occurrences. It is this shaping that delivers the unambiguity that Nostradamus claims underpins each verse.
But the danger of the times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets should not be bared except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only one sense and meaning and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted.
Nostradamus, 1558 in his Epistle to King Henry
C.10 Q.66
The chief of London through the realm of America,
The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:
King and Reb will face an Antichrist so false,
That he will place them in the conflict all together.

Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh
L'i$le d'E$co$$e tempiera par gellee
Roy Reb auront vn $i faux antechri$t
Que les mettra tre$tous dans la me$lee
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <general crime><rich fLodden [Scot] mAles Leech gene><Respond> <olden chimerAl [newly emerged] genre spread>>
  2. <empire SetS pellagra [nutrient deficency] codeS><empire Seed coSSet [pet lamb] iLls>
  3. <auebR StorY rich texan torn><if unobseRvant a unexact (C)hrist><histoRy-eRr>.
  4. <seQuel matter><landmaSses routeS><arreSt / reStart / rareSt astounds maleS><lands Same routeS seQuel>

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Centuries 3 Quatrain 97 (C.III Q.97)

 Nostradamus' Centuries 3 Quatrain 97

Since the late 1940's this verse has been seen as referencing the emergence of the nation of Israel and the anagrams don't contradict this. However the lettering quality of this verse appears quite poor (see below my anagram analysis). For instance tha last line has the name Phebes and this has been for five hundred years taken to be Phoebes. As such it has been  valid to assume it is a reference to the Moon and I have no reason to challenge this. In fact it fits well to  another verse (C.1 Q.25) that specifically talks of the completion of the Moon's great cycle. The moon's cycle allows Nostradamus to specify a unique time gap between the time of writing and the events of the verse. The best-fit gap involves 403 moon cycles for this is almost exactly 391 solar cycles. Now 391 years added to the year 1555 CE brings us to the year 1946 CE and it was 1945 when the second World War ended and 1947 when the mandate establishing Israel's right to be a nation in the middle-east was passed. Within another year that nation was founded against the wishes of those nations named in the text and it is they who lost lands and national rights in the wars that immediately followed.
C.3 Q.97
New law to occupy the new land
Towards Syria, Judea and Palestine:
The great barbarian empire to decay,
Before the Moon completes it cycle.

Nouuelle loy terre neufue occuper
Vers la Syrie Judee et Palestine
Le grand empire barbare corruer
Auant que Phebes $on $iecle determine
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <leo re-entry few uuell open-occur>< retry uuell oN leo><terrene [earthen] oyl uuell>
  2. <Plainest Verse><Juried relatiVeneness layS><Several> <Penalties><it neVer Slays Paeleste [Epirus]>
  3. <bear [Russia?] ruLer bear prime danger><arab reprimand be><enLarged> <gendarme core ruLe>
  4. <belicoSeneSs determine><So Silence><SeSsion remAin he be elected>
 The lettering of the first line presented above does not lead to a clear message within the anagrams however other early editions  show it as Nouvelle loi terre neuve occuper. Although this too isn't totally useful it does result in a sequence that removes any need for the Leo reference and says terrene [earthly] oil level.  

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

C.8 Q.99 (C.VII Q.99)

Nostradamus' Centuries 8 quatrain 99.

This is once again a verse expressing  Nostradamus major theme about the nature of Christ and the  part this plays in the wars of this and other centuries. This is a verse with enigmas to excite the mind and  like so many with this theme its text gives us strong hints it is the anagrams that define it  and offer absolutus (completion). Compare this verse to those shown in my papers on the Nicean debate, Nostradamus' Gnostic views and the series containing  the Greek word for not begotten and you will see the strong religious themes in their text. The same themes exist here and they make sense in the context of a harsh debate over the begotten, unbegotten status of Christ.
The anagrams offer several terms that are easily identified as part of Religious discussions and these include Ierusalem, Isus, Paul, Osiris, desecration, ascend and descent but there is one that is not so commonly known that stands out. The word is Greek and occurs in the second line as aeigenes and it means eternally begotten, a status bestowed by the Christian Church on Jesus as well as their God. Like the words agennos (not begotten) and gennos (begotten) which dominate the verses in my papers named above it is part of the vocabularly emphasised by Athanasius in his discussions of the Arian controversy at the heart of the 325CE Nicean Council. There is only this one occurrence of the anagram for aeigenes in Nostradamus Prophecies and it occurs in this verse that talks of the restoration of the substance of the body and spirit, i.e. where  the eternally-begotten status of Christ will be surrendered for that of mortality. Additionally in this line where aeigenes occurs there are clusters that talk of a true gene, again linking the text to Christ's status of equality with God but it takes the opposite stance. We clearly have sound reasons for seeing the text as the resolution of Christ's relationship to God.
The last line of this verse has anagrams on a very interesting but very different theme for it talks of the strength of Nostradamus powers to see the future.
C.8 Q.99
Through the power of three temporal kings,
the sacred seat will be put in another place,
where the substance of the body and the spirit
will be restored and received as the true seat.

Par la pui$$ance des trois rois temporelz En autre lieu $era mis le $aint $iege Ou la $ub$tance de l'e$prit corporel Sera remys et receu pour vray $iege
Anagram sequences in the French Text.
  1. <upraiSal stories imposter role aScend>< stored osiris iSSuance><or spiritsome descent><iS intercrossed aS paul poem><temporise [hold back]><iSuS desecrattion stories >
  2. <ieruSalems SaintS lie><islam SanitiSe a true gEne><nature uSe maries lie><true islam reuSe aEigeneS lie><latiniSeS neutral meaSure>
  3. <poor Scrlpt uSual role><cleaned prieSt abSOlutuS [completion] role><led prieSt aScent ><proScript>
  4.  <See my secret pouuer vary iS rare> <Syria agreeS persecute our ryme>

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Centuries 1 Quatrain 25 (C.I Q.25)

Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 25

This verse has the hallmarks of being a road-sign. In it Nostradamus uses imagery at the text and hidden level to mark out seven distinct events of historical significance. I believe they are part of the story of the religious divide between those who believe Christ was a gifted mortal and those who believe he was related to God.
According to Wikipedia on June 8, 1886 Louis Pasteur received the highest class. award of the order of Medjidie by the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II. Now the second line of this verse which holds the name Pasteur hints at recognition of high status and although my anagram analysis renders demy Dieu honore in a different way it could be seen as an anagram of medydie honour and thereby provide an essential defining link to the text. Edessa is also referenced through the anagrams and it too has strong ties to the Ottoman Empire since it is  located in central Turkey. Edessa lay in the region called Oshroene or Osroene (also called Edessa), an area that was semi or completely autonomous from 132BCE to 244CE. The anagram for Oshroene only occurs twice and both are in this verse. The anagram for Osroene only occurs once and it is found in the second line of this verse. So the anagrams are such that they identify a single place and there are at least two periods of time able to be defined. The anagrams of the fourth line suggest there are a total of seven that will be identified.
The third line offers a confirmation that 1886 is a critical date. After 337 lunar cycles 326.97 solar years have passed and so the perfect cycles favoured by Nostradamus are applicable. Now 1555+327 equals 1882  and 1886 then fits into the slot defined by the third line. However the first occasion when a higher perfection is achieved involves 403 lunar cycles. This takes almost exactly 391 solar years  to occur and in so doing the great cycle sets another date of 1555+391= 1946 CE.
C.1 Q.25
  • The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries
  • Pasteur will be celebrated almost as a God-like figure
  • This is when the moon completes her great cycle,
  • but by other rumors he shall be dishonored.
  1. Perdu trouue cache de $i long $iecle
  2. Sera Pasteur demy Dieu honore
  3. Ains que la Lune acheue $on grand $iecle
  4. Par autres vents sera deshonore.
Anagram Clusters found in French Text.

  1. <i wuurote each Preclude godlineSS><chalcogenideS [alkalides] ecliPse touuer>
  2. <my rude Die [template] SeParates honour><oSrhoene [ancient Edessa] Past era> < Pastured> <onShore>
  3. <icelanderS Song equal A sin><and each slice anul a generouS sin> <organ he use declines>
  4. <onshore ventures asserted>< Osrhoene [Ancient Edessa] aPertura [small window] events><reads seven sets><edessa(r) events aPertura>>

Monday, December 16, 2013

C.1 Q.45 (C.I Q.45)

Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 45

This verse has a quite unexpected theme about events in our history and Nostradamus' future. it definitively covers Queen Elizabeth I's intervention in presentation of Shakespeare' Midsummer's Nights Dream. It raises the prospect that a member of the troupe of actors incorporated views from a messianic sect. Although this can be read directly from the text the unequivocal definition is in the anagrams.

These issues are presented in detail in several of my papers such as Nostradamus on Sects  and Anne Boleyn. Below I have included an extract from these showing the intertwining of the specifics of that play.

C.1 Q.45
A founder of sects, much trouble for the accuser:
A beast in the theatre prepares the scene and plot
The author ennobled by acts of older times;

the world is confused by schismatic sects.
The second and third lines of the above verse hold the clues that this refers to Midsummer' Nights Dream. This particular play of Shakespeare was first presented in the Theatre in Shoreditch in 1596CE (1597 was the year that the Globe was built and first used by Shakespeare). A most memorable part of the play is when the character Bottom is transformed into a beast with a donkey’s head. The play also contains an internal play to be put on by Quince, Bottom and co. This internal play is presented as being authored by the leader of the troupe, Peter Quince, who draws his tale from a story of love and death in the olden-time classic, Pyramus and Thisbe. All of this fits to what we can read in this verse. But in addition there is the peculiar sound of the second line’s Bette in the theatre since it resonates as Elizabeth in the theatre or in the Theatre in Elizabethan times. Of course my conclusion had other material on which I could draw besides the foregoing visible elements of this particular verse.

The quatrain is full of anagrams that apply to Shakespeare's play. The name of the author of the olden-time play, Quince, is found in the second line as ceniqu. There is dwarf (as duuarf) in the third line and Puck, another major character in Shakespeare's play, is referred to as a dwarf in the play when Lysander says ‘Get you gone you dwarf’. The third line also contains Queen Bol'yn tying the verse to the monarch Elizabeth via her mother and this is the only place where such an anagram can be found. This line may add more and say Queen Boleyn invent dwarf.  It is also possible that the words faict antique ennobly in the third line were, as shown in many versions, originally written as fait antique ennobly from which we would then have Queen.Titania (aitanti queen) , the name of the Fairy Queen in Shakespeare’s play.
There are other powerful anagrams shown below that help give these ideas coherence C.1 Q.45
A founder of sects, much trouble for the accuser:
A beast in the theatre prepares the scene and plot
The author ennobled by acts of older times;

the world is confused by schismatic sects.          
Secteur de Sectes grand peine au delateur
Bette en theatre dreSSe le jeu Scenique
Du faict antique ennobly l'inuenteur

Par Sectes monde confus et SchiSmatique.
Anagram sequences in French text.
1.<pandering Sect rescue / secure true seed> <reduceS / Secured / rescueD grandest Secret><adulate><Sect spreading> <creedS>
2.<queen-Bette><Bette threatened SeerS><elSe quince then be jeSu arrested><equine cueS Bette tenderheart>
3.<Duuarf antic entuuine queen Bolyn><quite fanatic> <ennoble Duuarf quittance><titanic equine unfeatureD>
4. <SchematiSt confused omens a secret equiP><SchematiSt fuse Parques [French for Roman Parcae / Fates] co-encodements><maSih [Arabic Messiah] Sect quite confuse demons Sect>

Frequencies of Single Anagram Occurrence
1. pandering, entuuine, unfeatured, schematist, co-encodements, Masih
2. threatened, confused
3-5 quittance, adulate, spreading, duuarf, fanatic, ennoble
6-10 quince, Bol(e)yn, arrested.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

C.7 Q.14 (C.VII Q.14)

 Nostradamus Centuries C.7 Q.14

This is another extraordinary verse where the anagrams used by Nostradamus  are patently telling us powerful secrets about his verses. The fourth line is dominated by anagrammatic clusters such as 'quatreins', 'poets verse' and 'our poetries channels'. These occur as adjacent anagrams and have low probability of chance generation since they are too pertinent, too inter-related and too rare for it to be otherwise. In addition they fit to an interpretation of the visible text in which Nostradamus is telling us about the person in the future who will reveal the hidden layers in his work. It also implies that these revelations will cause religious controversy to thrive and for the old value systems to be questioned.
There are only singular occurrences of  both poetries and channels and there are no anagrams other than those in this verse for poets-verse or poetries-channels even as composite anagrams. There are no occurrences where poets and verse appear as whole but separate anagrams in the same line and only four other places where the jumbled lettering of these two words is found in two parts.  There are no split anagrams at all for 'poetries-channels'. So the fact that these two word pairs appear as adjacent anagrams in different parts of the same line cannot easily be dismissed as the product of chance.
    C.7 Q.14
He will come to expose the false topography, the urns of the tombs will be opened. Sect and holy philosophy to thrive, black for white and the new for the old.

Faux expoSer viendra topographie, Seront les cruches des monumens ouuertes. Palluler Secte Saincte philoSophie,
Pour blanches noires et pour antiques vertes.
Anagrams hidden in the French Text
  1. <propogator driven uxe expoSe><invader topograph exposurex>
  2. <norSe celts crushed uuomens true omens><Seers uurote ones he summonsed> <she Sees uuomens true demons>
  3. <philo ioSeph Pall rule Sect><pantheic secrets><Sect rule phoneticaliSe all Popeish><ancestries>
  4. <Poets verse><quatreins><quite runa poetries alnubr chosen><channels our poetries><Poets chosen alnubr reputation rise>

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 24 (C.IV Q.24)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 24

This verse has continuity with several important themes one of which is found in the previous verse about an American disaster in Iran. It holds hints of nuclear reactors hidden underground and deals between  the USA and Iran' criminal classes that ends up benefitting no one. (see American Disaster for related verses). Although the anarams for radium and uranium are split anagrams their inclusion is warranted since one (radium) is the heir of the other (uranium) and it is a divine power released by man  in keeping with the text of the second line.
 C.4 Q.24
  • Beneath the holy earth of a woman the faint voice heard
  • Human flame seen to shine as divine:   
  • It will cause the earth to be stained with the blood
  • And to destroy the holy temples for the impure one  
  1.  Ouy $oubs terre $aincte dame voix fainte
  2. Humaine flamme pour diuine voir luire
  3. Fera des $euls de leur $ang terre tainte
  4. Et les $aincts teples pour les impurs de$truire
Anagram sequences found in the above lines of French text.
  1. <So yOu made Subterrain-sect><fix a diStance move>
  2. <poem inflame rad-ium> <divine-pouuer><poem flame ur-anium Heir>
  3. <Federate agentS rule terrain><Feared uSeless Stranger ruled> <in rereat gundealerS Feared Useless><eludes redSeas retreating Feet>
  4. <ur peoples simple><Sensical test> <Essential sect propulse><leSs pittances rules><our impulse><misrule> <perilous>


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 23 (C.IV Q.23)

 Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 23
This verse is one of several about a disaster off the Iranian coast involving America.  The anagram for American also produces the name of another country and neither coexist under those names at the same time. The south of Iran was part of a land called Carmanie and it is this duality that Nostradamus uses to identify the two parties involved in these verses. The anagrams of this verse identify the place where the action occurs as a fuel seaport, thereby helping to confirm the location is in the Persian Gulf. But this information is mixed with some coding clues that point to the name of the person who is the protagonist. His first name is Henry and his surname is to be found interwoven into the four lines. 
C.4 Q.23
  • The legion in the marine class,
  • Calcine magnesia, Sulfur and pitch(tar):
  • The long rest in the secure place:
  • Port Selyn Hercules, fire will consume them.

  1. La legion dans la marine claSSe
  2. Calcine magnes Soulphre et poix
  3. Le long repos de l'asseuree place
  4. Port Selyn Hercle feu les consumer.
ANAGRAM SEQUENCES in the French Text

  1. <american lands aLlege ion Sales><alarm in Scale LegaliSes>
  2. <eSso mallignance ruleS Car> <Calcerine><Sulphones menacing><meaning prophete blurs ix Souls>
  3. <prognosed Seal replace eLl use><longer eL depose>
  4. <fuel conSumers SeaPort><era conSumes PetrolS><Henry Sumer PoleStar><Surname clues><uSes-column>

The Polestar at the time of the Sumerian era was Thuban (alpha draconis) and this may may well give us the name of the dragon as the surname mentionned above. Ur was  a city founded in the land of Sumer about 3900BCE. Sumer was located around the lower Euphrates at the head of the Persian Gulf. Today this region is part of Iraq but it borders the region of Iran where the city of Susa is a major centre.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 14 (C.IV Q.14)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 14
On Agennos: (
from Gk a=without/ not, gennos=beget) implying not begotten.

There are eight verses with an anagram of Agennos and this is one of them. These verses form a remarkable set with a strong link to Christs mortal / immortal status and his family connection to God al of which is in keeping with agennos (begotten without a father). All eight of the agennos anagram verses can be accessed through agennos quatrains
Within the anagrams of this verse  the ones for 'gethsemanic 'sublimator', 'robust', 'meeting(s), ' and 'belatedness' are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of two. Together they weave a tale consistent with the story of Jesus and his disciples at the Mount of Olives. This verses text can then be seen as a precis of the papal line passing from the death of Jesus up to modern times. It can also be considered as further commentary on Nostradamus' acrimonious debates over these issues with Jules Scaliger of Agen.
Agennos is a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future. The stories sketched out by the  agennosverses although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.4 Q.14
  • The sudden death of the first personage, Will have caused a change and put another in the sovereignty:
    Soon, late come so high and of low age,
    So by land and sea it will be necessary to
    fear him.
  1. La mort $ubite du premier per$onnage
  2. Aura change et mis vn autre au regne
  3. Tost tard venu a $i haut et bas aage
  4. Que terre et mer faudra que on le craigne
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <Subedit Mortal agennoS><agennoS reputed empire SubliMator><robuSt Male agen norSe empire><tributeS agen Moral perSon pure rime>
  2. <gethsemanic uuater genre Aura><argue v(5) meetings nature>t<v(5) times nature gene>
  3. <verdant uSa habituate saga><To start beast age><seagoaT [Capricornus] beast>
  4. <re-eQuating clone><clearing Queen on><grecian><glacier><marqet-fraud>


Centuries 3 Quatrain 59 (C.III Q.59)

Nostradamus- Centuries 3 Quatrain 59
On Agennos: (from Gk a=without/ not, gennos=beget) implying not begotten.

There are eight verses with an anagram of Agennos and this is one of them. These verses form a remarkable set with a strong link to Christs mortal / immortal status and his family connection to God all of which is in keeping with agennos (not begotten). All eight of the agennos anagram verses can be accessed through agennos quatrains
Agennos is a cipher of great import to Nostradamus' thesis and its significance goes back to the debates at the Nicean Counsil in the 5th Century. The discussion of the context of that council is throughout the Prophecies and is brought together in my paper Nicea and Agennos
Within the anagrams of this verse  the ones for Tetragrammaton, transposed, Silvester, Superb, viruses, Montpeliers, Palestine, and monogenist are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of two. Together they weave a consistent tale about the bloodline of Jesus as viewed by the dominant Christian Church.  And although other anagrams are not quite so rare they are still infrequent enough or form powerful sequences and thereby instil confidence in the theme (e.g. Paul's mortal matter, pagan, epulary, tremors.). The anagrams and the text resonate with the stories of religious wars and may include glimpses of  French Christian misbehaviour in the crusades against Palestine.
Agennos is a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future. The stories sketched out by the  Agennos verses although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.3 Q.59
  • Barbarian empire usurped by the third,
  • The greater part of his blood he will put to death
  • Through senile death the fourth struck by him,
  • For fear that the blood through the blood be not dead
  1. Barbare empire par le tiers v$urpe
  2. La plus grand part de $on $ang mettra a mort
  3. Par mort $enile par luy le quart frappe
  4. Pour peur que $ang parle $ang ne $oit mort
 Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <SuperB arab empire><Silvester repair><Be prime bearer><viruSes>.
  2. <agennoS'S mortaL matter departs on pauL's><tranSpoSed tetragrammaton>
  3.  <Pape line tremorS><(t)ruly paleStine equal><tafur [cannibalistic crusader] paper> <remaP montpelierS epulary [banquet]>
  4. <genomiSt [DNA researcher] learnS pagan pouuer Square><Sangreal><monogeniSt [single ancestor] Seal Purport><agennoS omit>

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 19 (C.IV Q.19)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 19

This verse offers detail of a modern nature about a war that is yet to happen.
Within the anagrams of this verse  the ones for 'submersiles', 'missiles', 'inundators' and 'referment' are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of one. Other important words `such as regulations, exclude, uneasier , uranolites and executed have between three and fourteen occurrences  Together they weave a tale consistent with the story of  war where principles are rarely adhered to. In this instance it hints at a conspiracy for the elimination of the aged, a theme that is supported by many other verses.
C.4 Q.19
  • Before Rouen the siege laid by the Insubrians,
  • By land and sea the passages shut up:
  • By Hainaut and Flanders, by Ghent and those of Liége
  • Through cloaked gifts they will ravage the shores.
  1. Deuant Rouand In$ubres mis le $iege
  2. Par terre et mer enfermes les pa$$ages
  3. D'Haynault et Fladres de Gad et ceux de liege
  4. Par dons laenees rauiront les riuages
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <nature edGe lieS><around><submersiles inundatorS><and In><missiles><duRatIon burnS><round-submarines>
  2. <Sages paSs Part meter err><freemen Pages pleaSes><Parts resamples Sages referment> <less great-aPes paSS>
  3. <i exclude Greeds date><leFt addres><any aged li (51) geHad executed>
  4.  <no regulations sPared sale> <Pages seal radon><usage><uranolites[meteorites] reseen><Pardon uneasier sale>


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 13 (C.IV Q.13)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 13

In this verse Nostradamus further develops the theme of a religious war affecting the Middle East. The language used for the anagrams  suggests a period between 1950 and 2100 CE.
Within the anagrams the ones for 'pentecostalism', 'tradepeople', 'compensates', 'patrollers', 'prefatorial', 'depletes', 'nondurable', 'ganglander', 'laboured' ' and 'belatedness' are either singular with no other occurrences or have a maximum of two. Together they weave a tale of corruption in respect to trade in the Middle East. There is a mix of crimes involving climate, ownership of wells and withholding of labour that influence the progress of a war.
This is not a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future  but  just one of the many events he uses to flesh out incidents which said he included to maintain peoples interest. These stories although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.4 Q.13
  • News of the greater loss reported,
    The report will astonish the army:
    Troops united against the revolted:
    The double phalanx will abandon the great one.
  1. De plus grand perte nouuelles raportees
  2. Le raport fait le camp s'e$tonnera
  3. Bandes vnies encontre reuoltees
  4. Double phalange grand abandonnera
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <seller operates pretend ouun><uuell><traDespeople resell><plugs operas Desert uuell><patrollers seeD><Depletes operas ungrasped uuell><operas Deepest uuell>
  2. <pentecoStalism Learn forepart><map port reaL ornateneSs>.<Leaner Steps on climate><compenSates Learner><noteS prefatorial placeme-nts > <none Set califate maps>
  3. <once veins re-enter Badness><see veins Belatedness re-encounter>
  4. <nonDurable ganglander band a help><danger Duo abandon near><alpha bandar and none laboureD>

Monday, November 25, 2013

Centuries 4 Quatrain 07 (C.IV Q.07)

Nostradamus- Centuries 4 Quatrain 07

In verse seven it is apparent that Nostradamus is beginning to concentrate on the detail of his story  about the male disease. In this instance he equates its symptoms to that of leprosy however radiation sickness also causes the flesh to rot away.
Within the anagrams the ones for 'endemic', 'therapy', 'hebraical', 'eternities', 'intermittencies'' turmoil'' and 'princely' only occur here. Many of the related words are also rare with 'hebraic', 'heretical' and 'Cyprian' only having one other occurrence. The connections to the earlier verses  are manifold with the most surprising being that of the Cyprian  connection since this word is not only a reference to location but to those who worship the fertility goddess Aphrodite.
This is not a major part of Nostradamus' vision for our future  but  just one of the many events he uses to flesh out incidents which said he included to maintain peoples interest. These stories although covered by these pages are presented with greater cohesion in my online book which I sell on Kindle.( See  Nostradamus: Impact on the 21st Century)
C.4 Q.07  
  • The minor son of the great and hated Prince,
  • He will have a great touch of leprosy at the age of twenty
  • Of grief his mother will die very sad and emaciated
  •  And he will die where the loose flesh falls.
  1. Le mineur filz du grand et hay Prince
  2. De lepre aura a vingt ans grande tache
  3. De deuil $a mere mourra bien tri$te et mince
  4. Et il mourra la ou tombe chair lache
Anagram Sequences in French Text.
  1. <the cyPrian><PrinceLy adherant><PrinceLy death><in theraPy and drug><fluidz danger><unifier>
  2. <Detach urea navigant dangers repel><grandest peer leD each vaginant [sheath] aura><granted aura ache repealeD>
  3. <euil Deed Same intermittencieS><ieruSalem armour><bar eternitieS time>Same enDemic deuil><mere nitriteS teem in iSlam arbour>
  4. <each hEretical tomb><hebraical mob><Elite armour ><hebraic rachel rural motilE><turmoil>