Wednesday, December 18, 2013

C.8 Q.99 (C.VII Q.99)

Nostradamus' Centuries 8 quatrain 99.

This is once again a verse expressing  Nostradamus major theme about the nature of Christ and the  part this plays in the wars of this and other centuries. This is a verse with enigmas to excite the mind and  like so many with this theme its text gives us strong hints it is the anagrams that define it  and offer absolutus (completion). Compare this verse to those shown in my papers on the Nicean debate, Nostradamus' Gnostic views and the series containing  the Greek word for not begotten and you will see the strong religious themes in their text. The same themes exist here and they make sense in the context of a harsh debate over the begotten, unbegotten status of Christ.
The anagrams offer several terms that are easily identified as part of Religious discussions and these include Ierusalem, Isus, Paul, Osiris, desecration, ascend and descent but there is one that is not so commonly known that stands out. The word is Greek and occurs in the second line as aeigenes and it means eternally begotten, a status bestowed by the Christian Church on Jesus as well as their God. Like the words agennos (not begotten) and gennos (begotten) which dominate the verses in my papers named above it is part of the vocabularly emphasised by Athanasius in his discussions of the Arian controversy at the heart of the 325CE Nicean Council. There is only this one occurrence of the anagram for aeigenes in Nostradamus Prophecies and it occurs in this verse that talks of the restoration of the substance of the body and spirit, i.e. where  the eternally-begotten status of Christ will be surrendered for that of mortality. Additionally in this line where aeigenes occurs there are clusters that talk of a true gene, again linking the text to Christ's status of equality with God but it takes the opposite stance. We clearly have sound reasons for seeing the text as the resolution of Christ's relationship to God.
The last line of this verse has anagrams on a very interesting but very different theme for it talks of the strength of Nostradamus powers to see the future.
C.8 Q.99
Through the power of three temporal kings,
the sacred seat will be put in another place,
where the substance of the body and the spirit
will be restored and received as the true seat.

Par la pui$$ance des trois rois temporelz En autre lieu $era mis le $aint $iege Ou la $ub$tance de l'e$prit corporel Sera remys et receu pour vray $iege
Anagram sequences in the French Text.
  1. <upraiSal stories imposter role aScend>< stored osiris iSSuance><or spiritsome descent><iS intercrossed aS paul poem><temporise [hold back]><iSuS desecrattion stories >
  2. <ieruSalems SaintS lie><islam SanitiSe a true gEne><nature uSe maries lie><true islam reuSe aEigeneS lie><latiniSeS neutral meaSure>
  3. <poor Scrlpt uSual role><cleaned prieSt abSOlutuS [completion] role><led prieSt aScent ><proScript>
  4.  <See my secret pouuer vary iS rare> <Syria agreeS persecute our ryme>

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