Sunday, July 27, 2014

Nostradamus C.8 Q.69: How the Sephirot numbering system is applied in the Prophecies

Nostradamus C.8 Q.69: How the Sephirot numbering system is applied in the Prophecies.

The Sephiroth is strongly represented in both the text and anagrams of this verse. Since ancient time together with numbers to distinguish the spheres this device has used angel names. The number references in the text closely fit to this scheme and this idea of number is especially powerful in the anagrams where in the second line all letters are used to form  'final numerator interleaves'. One sefirotic term for the ten spheres is 'Sephira' and this is also found in the anagrams. The angel reference in the text of line one reinforces the connection since in ancient Hebrew tradaition the Sephira are controlled by specific angels. And in the anagrams this connection is reinforced in the second line by one for Rafael (er a laf) who is the controlling angel of the first sphere. Alongside Rafael in the same sphere there are two other angels thereby allowing much of the referencing in the text to be applied to the Sephirot. The rationale underpinning the verse is the ascribing of numeric values to Nostradamus' code and the means by which it is achieved are hinted at in many ways within this deterministic lettering.
 Beside the young one the old angel falls,
and will come to rise above him at the end;
ten years equal to most the old one falls again,
of three two and one, the eighth seraphim.
Aupres du jeune le vieux ange bai$$er
Et le viendra $urmonter a la fin
Dix ans e$gaux au plus vieux rabai$$er
De trois deux l'vn l'huitie$me $eraphin.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <agen uxe baSiS jeuu persuAder live / levi> <june a evil uxe began pursued / usurped rAises><uprAises evil uxe began> ASSure
  2. <**final numeratorS intErleaved [in alternate verses?]**><montreal inflatE><armourS inflatE evil end><later invader mournS>eridanuS [constellation] Enif [alpha star in Peg] rafael / aflare remountS
  3. <paul vieuus usagex arabx Sires><arab uxe iS vi [6] raDixeS [number bases]> <uSage(s)> <naxi SeabirDS gaSes> baSiS
  4. <reemphaSiSe tie><Seraph uxe Disoriented> <Sephirae [plural of sephira class] timeS><ampereS Site hinteD><**hulvin lux [light] Destroied heSperian [Western] timeS**>
  1. vieuus (views), Arabx (Arabs), radixes, SeabirdS, disoriented, Sephirae, Hesperian, Hulvin, destroied (i=y)
  2. interleaved, re-emphasise, hinted
  3. usagex (usages)
  4. Sephira
  5. -
  6. began, inflate, Eridanus, numerator,
  7. Jeuu (Jew), Seraph
  8. pursued / usurped, remounts
  9. upraises, armours, mourns
  10. persuader
  11. -
  12. -
  13. Montreal
  14. basis (2 in this verse)
  15. -
  16. finale
  17. -
  18. final
  19. Amperes
  20. Rafael / aflare
  21. June

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