Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Nostradamus C.3 Q.86: The European astrologer whose domination of rural areas precedes a great event.

Nostradamus C.3 Q.86: The European astrologer whose domination of rural areas precedes a great event.

This verse is one of those that most to my earliest views on how Nostradamus incorporated astronomic data into his poetry (See my paper on Astronomy for more). My attention was drawn to it because of similarities in its anagrams to that found in C.02 Q.35 where the anagrams for astronomers  was accompanied by two adjacent anagrams for ill powers. I proposed this gave evidence for Nostradamus' strong interest in astronomy and his rejection of astrology. This verse carries an anagram for astronomers that is adjacent to one for graver which is suggestive of arts to be condemned. It also carries an anagram for auspex, one of the other divining arts with limited scientific basis. It too has pointers to things being ill and it has a vague hint of Satanism all of which is in a tale of a particular personal journey.  This constructs a scenario in which an individual who rejects science and practices the art of astrology, not astronomy is the central character.
A chief of Ausonia will go to Spain By sea, he will make a stop in Marseilles: Before his death he will linger a long time: After his death one will see a great marvel.
Vn chef d'Au$onne aux E$paignes ira
Par mer fera arre$t de dans Marseille
Auant $a mort vn long temps languira
Apres $a mort on verra grand merueille.
  1. <Son Varies unchAfed [smooth] AuSpex [observer of birds] gain>
  2. <israel Prearm rearS daMndest fear><**israel rareSt deMands Paler farmer**><amPler realisM sadden rareSt fear><farmer elliPse area><Mans dreadeSt><fear arreSted> < arMies reSt area sadden>
  3. <Satan Aura><long ruing amplest><auriga [star - chariot rider] plans>matronS singular atomS
  4. <**graver aStronomers rue ill named raPe**><**graver aStronomers ran reillumed Ape> unarmed moraSs overran
  1. damndest, re-illumed
  2. Auriga, singular
  3. unchafed, dreadest, graver, astronomers
  4. -
  5. farmer
  6. demands, atoms, morass
  7. varies, realisms
  8. auspex, amplest, unarmed
  9. ellipse, arrested, overran
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. realism, matrons
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -

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