Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Nostradamus C.5 Q.8: A Califate implements biological warfare in the 21stC.

Nostradamus C.5 Q.8: A Califate implements biological warfare in the 21stC.

This verse is included in the discussion of Nostradamus on War and it contains the same theme as several quatrains discussed in that paper. This hideous scheme involves the motivation, creation and usage of organic biological chemicals in wars of the 21st century. See verses C.02 Q.06 and C.04 Q.43 for more. The reality of such a path is fearful since in the anagrams it is implied a northern Islamic state is fostered by men of ideology but little learning and such a scenario is evolving in our times.
C.V Q.08
There will be unleashed live fire, hidden death,
Horrible and frightful within the globes,

By night the city reduced to dust by the fleet,
The city afire, the enemy amenable.
Sera laiSSe le feu vif mort cache
Dedans les globes horrible eSpouuentable
De nuict a claSSe cite en poudre laSche
La cite a feu l'ennemy fauorable.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text (** = full line coverage)
  1. <Seer aSSail from cachet><heracleS aiSleS><feelS aliaseS form recatcheS vieu><else aerialS form catcheS><**healerS feuv cactiform aiSles>
  2. <terrible-uueaponS bleeD lands><butane saDden legs lobes><glandless hoboes><globeless table saDden>
  3. <**eccleSiast inDuce act ruled open chaSe**> <heracleS inculcateD><a uncatechiSeD [unlearned] claSS ruled open>
  4. <men fauorably enfuel> <boreal [northern] caLifate [Islamic state]>labour
  1. cactiform, glandless, hoboes, ecclesiast (+3 in text as ' ecclesiastique'), inculcated, uncatechised, 'uncatechised class', fauorably (favorably)
  2. -
  3. -
  4. re-catches
  5. healers, catches / cachets, butane, labor
  6. cachet, Califate, enfuel
  7. labour
  8. Boreal
  9. lobes
  10. -
  11. Heracles (2 in this verse), aliases
  12. form / from
  13. bleed
  14. -
  15. assail
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -

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