Saturday, August 2, 2014

Nostradamus C.1 Q.42 : At Lake Geneva an oblique fanatical idea raises the undead.

Nostradamus C.1 Q.42 : At Lake Geneva an oblique fanatical idea raises the undead.

This is one of only two verses where Nostradamus uses the letter 'K'. There is no doubt that there is an occult feel about the text which then draws attention to the name Henric found as an anagram in the last line. This in turn raises the potential that its ciphers are linked to the work of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa who. like Psellus, produced a cipher list based on the names of demons (See Cornelius Agrippa for more). Within the anagrams a tale emerges that is well suited to our modern times for it is in the modern era that the term airfield is relevant and the scenario fits to the major themes to which Nostradamus directed his prophecies. This story is part of the search by those who seek to raise Jesus from the dead. I believe it is linked to  events in Geneva and Northern Europe during the latter part of this century (See Geneva 2065 for more.)
C.1 Q.42
The tenth day of the April Calends, calculated in Gothic fashion
is revived again by wicked people.
The fire is put out and the diabolic gathering
seek the bones of the demon of Psellus.
Le dix Kalende d'Auril de faict Gotique
Resuscite encor par gens malins
Le feu e$tainct affemblee diabolique
Cherchant les os du d'Amant et P$elin.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <exiled laKe Got clarified undeAd quit><underlAid laKe><undeAd laKex airfield quite idLe> deifical
  2. <cuRses entice alarmingness><centuRies-process managers><pro-germans entice cuRses><once cites mineRals use><cuRses manliness reception><mans suRliness encite><apocenter cRuises>scRutinises sunrise seminal erection
  3. <feeL oblique idea fanatic femble><feeL oblique idea affemble intact*><in affect>fantaStic
  4. <**henricC /enriCh meant duAd loses chant Spelt**><**duAds meant charleston niChe Spelt**><mAndate Spelt chant enriCh><Splenetic ethnarch loses duAd><douses PeStilent Adam> ePiStle loathness
  1. lake,airfield,  clarified, alarmingness, pro-Germans, manliness, surliness, 'oblique idea', loathness
  2. deifical, scrutinises, affect, fantastic, oblique, duads
  3. underlaid, apocenter, Charleston
  4. curses
  5. reception, fanatic, ethnarch, pestilent
  6. exiled, managers, cruises, minerals
  7. Germans, sunrise, Henric / enrich, mandate
  8. undead, erection, duad
  9. splenetic, epistle
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. intact
  15. -
  16. niche
  17. Adam
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. spelt

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