Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Floods cover 70 percent of the Earth at the end of the 21stC.

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Floods cover 70 percent of the Earth at the end of the 21stC.
© Allan Webber 2016

On the hilltops of Bailly and the Bresle
The proud one of Grenoble
will be hidden
Beyond Lyons and Vienne
on them a very great hail
Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain.
C9 Q69
  Michel de Nostredame
"And thousands of other events will come to pass, because of floods and continual rains, as I have set forth fully in writing my other Prophecies, which are drawn out in length, in prose, setting the places and times so that men coming after may see them, knowing the events to have occurred infallibly." 1555 Preface to Cesar (PCE12)
Physical environmental change beyond man's control is perhaps the most rational fear of our terror-laden times and it is far more threatening than that of psychopathic ideologues whose reign of harm has been present throughout the period of man's ascent. And although human-induced terror has swayed the course of human history so too has environmental disaster brought terror to localised pockets of mankind through Volcano, tornado, earthquake, bush fire, tsunami, storms, droughts and flood events. In both instances people die in a randomly fate-chosen manner, innocent victims of perverse fortune yet it is the environment that has the greatest potential to destroy life as we have known it. But so far fears of man's demise are just fictional, imaginative tales that have been designed to exploit weaknesses of the masses.
There can be no doubt that Nostradamus Prophecies carry a threatened future of the direst kind where such a change occurs to the earth and it has two dimensions; massive flooding and conflagration.
and I find that the world before the universal conflagration will experience many deluges with inundations so high that there will be no soil that is not covered by water; and this will be for such a long time that all would be lost except for the records of enographies and topographies. Also before and after such inundations, in most countries, the rains will be in demand, and from the heavens will fall a great abundance of fire and white-hot stones, so  nothing shall remain that is not consumed. And all this is to occur, in brief, before the last conflagration...1555 Preface to Cesar (PCE8)
Now these writings of Nostradamus do not appear very different from that of prophets of the fifteenth and sixteenth century who repeatedly foresaw the end of the world and each in turn saw their predictions fail. But Nostradamus didn't foresee flood events within his lifetime or that of his grandchildren; he saw it as being five hundred years in the future which makes it very different from the normal end-of-world rant designed to inspire men to convert their faith to that of the prophet's nomination. Nostradamus shows no inclination to declare that man should repent nor that they should take his work for anything other than a vision of the future.
If I had drawn up events as they will happen the people of that realm, sect, religion and faith, would find it so bad that they would listen to fantasies and come to damn that which future centuries will know through seeing and perceiving...1555 Preface to Cesar (PCE2)
So it is possible to conclude that Nostradamus constructed his Prophecies without any perceivable bias but this of course doesn't necessarily make them true.
It is my intent to bring together the material on floods that shows the content of his Prophecies fits with his claims and delivers a consistent picture of lands covered by waters that are just over 200 metres higher than current levels. Such a massive rise is far greater than that expected by scientists today even at the worst outcome levels for climate change. And such a change would alter so much that forms our baselines for reading stories about the World, as lands become smaller, islands are left where there were once great agricultural estates, the systems that support life are stressed beyond the ability for all to survive and unrest and massive migrations become the primary concerns of states that wish to be counted amongst the survivors.
Verse C9 Q69 provides a basis whereby the scale of the floods can be determined and it is the mention of lobsters being found at Grenoble that provides the key. Although there may be many rational reasons why lobsters may be found in-land none other than a great flood would seem to justify its mention as important to the stories of mutations that will affect man's future. In this context Grenoble together with the other places mentioned in this verse sets the height at somewhere over 212 metres above current levels.
C9 Q69
On the hilltops of Bailly and the Bresle The proud one of Grenoble will be hidden Beyond Lyons and Vienne on them a very great hail Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain. Sur le mont de Bailly et la BreSle
Seront caichez de Grenoble les fiers
Oultre Lyon Vien eulx Si grande greSle
Langoult en terre n'en reStera vn tiers.

The elevation above current sea-level of each location given in the verse above is:
Grenoble averages 212m Lyon  airport is at 201m Vienna’s St Stephan Cathedral is 174m Bailly, Bourgogne near Auxerre 190m. The source of  the Bresle lies in hills (monts) near Abancourt at 200m
The great mountain, seven stadia round,
after peace, war, famine, flooding.
It will spread far, drowning great countries,
even antiquities and their mighty foundations.

there will be no soil that is not covered by water; and this will be for such a long time that all would be lost except for the records of enographies and topographies...1555 Preface to Cesar (PCE8)
Similar references to records are found in C1 Q9 which also carries the signature of great floods and conflagration that is found throughout Nostradamus' work. Importantly the last line of the verse tells us that the flood is not of short duration and it takes a great number of centuries before the land is once more like the World we now know..
Alas! what a great loss there will be to letters
before the cycle of Latona is perfected.
Fire, great floods, by more ignorant rulers;
how long the centuries until it is seen to be restored
Nostradamus sets a clear dimension to his work by the depths of this flood and its threats are not evenly felt. The lands where the greatest impacts are to occur are Russia and North-Western and Western European countries, Western France, Southern England, Louisiana and the South Eastern seaboard states in the United States, north-eastern China, northern parts of Canada, the Ganges valley of India, all low lying islands around the world and the central corridor of Australia. In other lands the loss of habitable land is largely in the coastal regions and lower parts of the river valleys that are currently less than 250m above sea level. But everywhere it is the places where most people live and the land that provides subsistence that disappear.
The great Britain including England
Will come to be flooded very high by waters
The new League of Ausonia will make war,
So that they will come to strive against them.
In Campania the Capuan [river] will do so much
That one will see only fields covered by waters:
Before and after the long rain
One will see nothing green except the trees.
At the place where HIERON has his ship built,
there will be such a great sudden flood,
that one will not have a place nor land to fall upon
the waters mount to the Olympic Fesulan.

Great as the floods foreseen by Nostradamus are, of themselves they don't provide a motivation for concealment or for the interest in events so distant from his own time. But they are essential to his main story since they provide the context in which events unfold. There is considerable evidence in his works that he had no greater interest than as a dispassionate observer of the world and what does exist demonstrates Nostradamus didn't see these floods as part of a Doomsday style end-of-the-world, rather they are natural events more in keeping with the Nordic legends called the Twilight of the Gods where great floods and war destroy the established order of mankind however this is not the end of man since after some time the earth and life renews. It is made clear in many places Nostradamus did not see the end of life on this planet.
[The Prophecies] contain perpetual predictions for [the period] from now until the year 3797...1555 Preface to Cesar (PCE6)
And by worldwide floods between here and the term I have fore-stated, and before and after it by several times, will [the world] be so diminished, and so few people will there be found that want to take to the fields which will become free for as long as their prior owners have held them...1555 Preface to Cesar (PCE9)
C2 Q93 is a verse that highlights the Nordic nature of Nostradamus' vision. The second and fourth lines of text in this verse talk of conflagration and a great inundation in exactly the same manner as in Nostradamus' Preface to Cesar 1555 (PCE8).
C2 Q93
Very near the Tiber presses Death: Shortly before great inundation: The chief of the ship taken, thrown into the bilge
Castle, palace in conflagration.
Bien pres du Tymbre pre$$e la Lybitine
Vn peu deuant grand inondation  
Le chef du nef prins mis a la $entine
Cha$teau palais en conflagration.
As to the above verse's Nordic content the fourth line contains two critical anagrams, Eschaton (onChaste) and Naglfar (nflagra). There are only two other anagrams for Eschaton in the whole text and only one other for Naglfar. The word eschaton is an End-of-Days term while Naglfar refers to the ship that is involved in the Nordic End-of-Days mythology.
the great serpent Jörmungandr ... will breach land as the sea violently swells onto it. The ship Naglfar, described in the Prose Edda as being made from the human nails of the dead, is released from its mooring, and sets sail on the surging sea, steered by a jötunn named Hrym.. ...Wikipedia entry
This ship leads the hordes fighting against the gods in the last war at the end of time, but after their destruction a new world will arise from the sea as the flood waters subside. And these are the images Nostradamus has incorporated in the above verse where we have an inundation of similar dimension to that of  the Nordic End-of-Time and we have a ship which is linked to the Goddess of Death. 
The finding of an anagram for the End-Of-Days term Eschaton in this appropriate juxtaposition with Naglfar and the wording of the text can be contrasted with the lack of any End-of-Existence words such as Doomsday, apocalypse or Judgement in any of the 942 Prophecies. I am not able to find any evidence that Nostradamus' agenda was set by religious belief but there is plenty to show that he was aware that religious views can have as much adverse impact on man's future as will our institutions and science; especially when they are presented with a set of inescapable world events that disrupt their comfort settings.
Floods of the magnitude implied by Nostradamus' verse produce dangers in addition to that of the waters and these apply to both their arrival and their departure. In Verse C10 Q70 we get to see some of Nostradamus' most remote visions of the World inhabited by man.
The third line of the verse says 'The fields watered will come to shrink' which is Nostradamus way of saying it is about the end of the great flood era while the first line tells us the unique attribute of the new mutant ape is in its ability to see. The end of the flood era is brought about by the world once more settling into contrasting stable hot and cold zones as setout in  the second line of text. And the last line implies that old-style (current) man will die out in Italy. Nostradamus states his Prophecies cover the mutations of man up to the time of the final conflagration and gives that a specific dating of 3797CE. The first line has great significance since it implies the next stage of evolution involves a form of seeing that requires a further swelling of the human brain. It is likely the next creatures that takes life into the greater universe has a higher degree of prescient capability than current man.
Through an object the eye will swell very much,
Burning so much that the snow will fall,
The fields watered will come to shrink,
As the primate succumbs at Reggio.
L'oeil par obiect fera telle excroi$$ance
Tant et ardante que tumbera la neige
Champ arrou$e viendra en de$croi$$ance
Que le primat succumbera a Rege
In the verse below C1 Q16 provides insight into the timing of the great floods but it does so through one of the two true anagrams for deluge (uge de l') found in the Prophecies. The last line of that verse says 'The century approaches its renewal' which is clearly a date clue while the first line provides an astronomic setting in keeping with Nostradamus' stated dating methodogy. The pond joined to Sagittarius mentioned in the first line refers to the north-eastern part of the named sign which lies next to the Milky Way while the Scythes refer to Saturn and the series of progressions and regressions made by it when in that region. But there is a more definitive clue in the fourth line for it has a sequence of anagrams saying axle enstation Noah deluge (ge de l - 'exal - tation En S - on ha) while the first line has axle signation (x a l'e -S tang ioin) and verticalness (in ct vers le Sa). These anagrams imply a Noah-like flood occurs at the time the Polar star is at its highest point, a astronomic setting which is between the year 2000 and 2005CE as shown in my chapter called The Order of the Chain. There are four periods when the setting in the first line can be valid and those occur from 2017 to 2018, 2048, 2076 to 2077 and 2005 to 2007. Of these only 2017 to 2018 has other planetary conjunctions in that location yet the overall framework of the text supports the year 2008 as Nostradamus main pointer in time.
Scythes joined to the pond in Sagittarius
at its highest increase/trough of its exaltation.
Plague, famine, death from military hands;
the century approaches its renewal.

Faulx a l'eStang ioinct vers le Sagitaire

En Son hault auge de l'exaltation
PeSte famine, mort de main militaire

Le Siecle approche de renouation.
The verse C1 Q17 which follows also offers timing clues from which the onset of the forty-year long flood mechanism can be seen as starting in 2065. It also indicates that from 2025 onwards there is a forty-year period of prolonged droughts. The fourth line of the verse below suggests the floods are preceded by a sign which is part of the same message hidden in the anagrams of C1 Q16 and which other references identify as a fire in the sky or conflagration.
C1 Q17
For forty years the rainbow will not be seen.
For forty years it will be seen every day.
The dry earth will grow more parched,
and there will be great floods when it is seen.  

Par quarante ans l'iriS n'apparoiStra
Par quarante ans tous les iours Sera veu
La terre aride en Siccite croiStra
Et grans deluges quand Sera aperceu.

Floods of this duration, depth and spread have impacts that inevitably will catch man by surprise. In Verse C10 Q6 the clarity of the flood reference stands out from the mythical tales in which a father and son relationship are seen as setting off a-god-inspired great flood and by its story we can link it to the events set out above.
Deucalion mentioned in the second line of text is the Greek equivalent of Noah. His father was Promethus, the Titan-God who gave the fire he had stolen from Mount Olympus to mankind. And in the last line this idea of fire appears as the mythical eternal flame of the vestal virgins. 
This connection of ideas provides the framework for understanding this verses significance in the narration of the great flood that endures throughout the 22nd century. At no other time in man's history could man's actions have had as great a contribution to the dangers of a flood as does our current era. The anagrams eke out that relationship through malthusians (mans $i hault), which represents  those who warn of the threat imposed by man's unchecked appetite for resources and a series of nuclear-installation related words such as denuclearisation (Deucalion renai$t), dynatron (yront Dan)  and radionuclear (ra Deucalion r) that increase the hazards brought by great floods.
Energy consumption is man's undoing which only seems satiable by stealing the fire of the gods found hidden in the atom and this inextinguishable need becomes a spur for ever more nuclear plants. Nuclear power demands flows of water to keep that fire under control but in massive quantities and sufficient depths of water the contamination from places such as Chernobyl becomes man's explosive legacy to the future.
Sardon, Nemans will flood so high
That they will believe Deucalion reborn:
Into the colossus the greater part will flee,
Vesta tomb fire to appear extinguished.
Sardon Nemans $i hault desborderont
Qu'on cuidera Deucalion renai$tre
Dans le collo$$e la plus part fuyront
Ve$ta $epulchre feu e$taint apparoi$tre.
Although there are several more verses that utilise the flood and water themes the ones used in the foregoing analysis provide the major structures of the great floods from which the other verses draw the settings for parallel themes and events.

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