Friday, March 21, 2014

Nostradamus' C.5 Q.93- Belarus, gold, commerce and round globules.

Nostradamus' C.5 Q.93- Belarus, gold, commerce and round globules.

This verse provides an important part of the background detail to the financial crisis that will undermine the current status of mankind. Its anagrams name the hidden participants whose self-seeking plans go awry. Its themes are consistent with the major stories that Nostradamus claims are the substance of his prophecies. They are centred on actions in the west and northern parts of Europe and the attempts of those in high office in  these regions to dominate commodities traded on share markets of the world.
There is however also a common intrusion that confuses the message in the anagrams. Many verses caryy the same type of intrusion; messages about the construction of the code, its relevance and the manner in which it is to be used.
Under the land of the round lunar globe, When Mercury will be dominating: The isle of Scotland will produce a luminary, One who will put the English into confusion.
Soubs le terroir du rond globe lunaire
Lors que $era dominateur Mercure
L'isle d'E$co$$e fera vn luminaire
Qui les Anglois mettra de$confiture.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <**blue gold round beloruSsian terroire **><beloruSsian round globule> <gold unable riSe round> <round globule terrori(s)ed bourSe>
  2. <Mercature [commerce] domain ruLe><romaniSed Mercature ruLe><quaereS [questions] recur dominate roLes><nuMerate roLes quareS recur><Seer Mature domain recur>
  3. <unravel main siLlier Seed><israeLi alumni [graduate] freeS codeleSS><fear murnival [four equal tokens] eSS codeS lies Linear>
  4. <losing unfit codeS eQuAliser matter><Scattered if no true An(a)logism> <**mistreat long codeS unfit eQuAliser**><contraSted fit eQuaLiser><confideS eQuAlis(e) true matter losing>
  1. globule, unable, Israeli, murnival, scattered, contrasted
  2. Belorussian, gold, mercature, unfit, confides, equalise
  3. codeless
  4. equaliser, dominate
  5. Romanised, numerate, unravel, mistreat, sillier
  6. -
  7. -
  8. domain
  9. round
  10. -
  11. alumni


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