Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrain 11- 2058CE (C.V Q.11)

Nostradamus' Centuries 5 Quatrain 11

The following verse has an intriguing set of allusions suggestive of an astronomic date setting being included in the verse. 'Those of the Sun' could be either the zodiac signs or Mercury and Venus. If the latter is the case then it most likely refers to the zodiac sign of Pisces, which is the sign most involving the Sea and over which these planets can pass. The second line may then imply Venus is south of the Sun and Mercury is to the north. The third line adds the notion that Saturn has just passed through Pisces and the fourth suggests Mars, Jupiter and the Moon may be entering from the East.

There is only one small period in this century that matches the astronomic setting found in this verse. It occurs in March 2058CE a period during which in Nostradamus' storyline the machinations of religious rulers sets up the climate for the genocides, genetic manipulations and authoritarian dogmatism that will follow. The year fits with other verses that define  the year 2065 as the time when science experimentation suffers its greatest setback by bringing great harm to the areas surrounding Lac Leman in Switzerland (See my paper on Geneva 2065 for more on this topic.

The sea will not be passed over safely by those of the sun
Those of Venus will hold all Africa:
Saturn will no longer occupy their realm,
And the Asiatic part will change.
Mer par $olaires $eure ne pa$$era
Ceux de Venus tiendront toute l'Affrique
Lur regne plus Saturne n'occupera
Et changer a la part A$iatique.
Anagram sequences in French text.
  1. <enSure SpearS reMap Solar rise><prearM So enSure israel era paSS><Sailor prearm Seers rune><perSeanS era uSe Solar rise>
  2. <fAteful Cirque not to exude><eVen intrudes on><sun Vexed><Venue site><outlet not Aquiffer>
  3. <plus natureS ruraL gene a pure><concern a uSsat ruLer pure plunge><cc [200] pure neutron reguLar pulSes>
  4. <a archangel quit Asia part><Satrapal [Persian petty ruler] era quiet change>

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