Thursday, December 18, 2014

In the Mind of a Prophet.

by Allan Webber

Copyright: Dec 2014


Why should I feel so disappointed? He was a stranger who kindly shared his dreams then left. It is only now I feel I should have left a hook, a memory, a connection that either he or I could follow. But at the time the moment was complete and such trails seemed unnecessary.

I was sitting as I often do reflecting on what I had achieved, where I wanted my work to go and what was needed before the next stage could start. 

The tree was shady as it needed to be for the sun beat down from a bright blue sky lacking cloud or gentle shine. The drying wind gusted softly enough but it sang within the needles near my ears. My senses sated by nature knew the world of ease.

It isn't possible he said.

I hadn't met him but already it was as though he knew my doubts.

His dog was black, close at his heels, its eyes consumed with fidelity.

You can't be in my mind.  This sky is mine, the clouds you see surely they can't be the same.

I hadn't meant to intrude or challenge the unity of this man but he was here; his hurt was mine his violation his alone.

Brown eyes, loyal eyes ached with him, a wagging tail ceased its welcome replaced by an inner protective growl.

But what about my sky? Was it mine or was it his? If I closed my eyes what would I see?

He cannot help me for I feel his increasing fear of me. He wants me gone but the choice is no longer mine. I feel his presence and the tension of his dog. They shape me now and my world is enlarged by that.

I ache and long for more. Denial yearns within me.  I want redemption. I want to be more than one, to share two worlds set apart by birth.


How can one sense loss for something one has never had? Surely it was that brush with feelings denied that stirs me to try again. I close my eyes and seek that state that first I felt when he appeared. The voices come like whispering wind softly blown against  my ear.

You know its wrong. Leave us alone.

Who are you?  my searching soul decries ignoring pleas that have no place nor flesh to make them real.

Eyes closed. Eyes unseeing but the familiar patterns flicker on. The ghosting white that shifts in shape as it pulses on my lids becomes an eye into whose depths I peer. Brown, loyal eye that stays in place when all else is nowhere seen, I went through here I felt you pierce my mind.

What do you fear of me? I mean no harm. I am tired of loneliness when there are so many things to share.

Then was the ache felt once more.  Pain and fear dressed as anger holding me there on the rim of sleep and isolation. A pulsing fear felt solely by emotions, not clear nor sharp but certain in its own defence it scorched within my brain, I don't trust people and what they say.

I bear the pain with just a whisp of hope that now I may go on. But no the response scalds away that hope as blasts in their defence shatter defended regions of my own. No one knows and I did not tell of acts and thoughts that I know were wrong. Beaten, battered back from the brim of entry I in turn defend.

Robbed of choice by autonomes fired without control I wound and shatter to deny him entry.

But he is here within me taking more than I from him. Shamed, condemned by ever present guilt I am exposed, naked in my false claim of friend.


Why am I drawn to such trials? The glow is warm from that first touch of minds but how can it be enough to drive me to this? I know so little but it is like a drug I cannot shake its hold.

He knows me where I would not be known and I in turn know what to dread in him. Youth's mistaken follies of first love torn by guilt of loved ones betrayed. My ills of lust of many kinds balance his but in our anger we aren't equally matched. His greed, my turmoil which is worse? Time has ravaged him by its endurance and I too am prised away from what I used to be.  The tides of choice and unchoice, his and mine, have ebbed and flowed through both of us yet neither he nor I have always chosen well. But he has his dog, his loyal dog who unlike me sees no fault in him.

You know so little, I heard him say. Dismissive as this was meant to be I sensed his meaning,  he knew more than me. But what we knew was dross upon this molten lake whose depths we had not entered.

You miss the point, growled his dog, firmly braced across my path. You miss the point. You miss the point. A savage chant whose aim was plain, Go away, leave us alone.

But I was sure I hadn't missed the point that mattered, there was another way.

I had felt the ease of contact from the first but seen the barriers drop in place with each step I took to draw near. It was evident there were bigger barriers that had not yet been reached and they lay on paths I should not try. This I knew because for all he claimed he knew of me he had not learnt my worst. And there has to be another way, a way of trust that lets a dog stand faithfully by a flawed man.

A molten shield burns those who seek and the smoke, the cloud are shadows of its reason. In triumph I gasped at the thought that now embraced me, I see you, I know you by our mutual ease, the softer emotions filtered free of our internal fears.


But he has gone, him and his dog. I waited but he didn't return. I had no chance to show what I had learned from him and now I am left wondering what do I do? How do I proceed?

Why did they come seeping into my mind raising feelings of hope for potential friends?

It felt different. But why? I have outside friends, family and enemies as well.  And I am lucky for I have felt that internalised relation of human love. Wife, sons and daughter all stir this but that is not the answer to my isolation since it is a substitute for being part of them.

I and they are human, our brains do not unite as one. And although I seem to have a past I know it is not real, it is a reflection of chemistry in my mind. Only this instance is mine while all the rest is what evolution gave to everyone with sound mind. And this is itself a rare gift so is it possible for there to be more? If so I don't think it yet exists in man? And surely not in trees or ants. Memory with both strengths and weaknesses is there in many thing but not as I know it, not as something linked to the time since life began.

Will I get another chance to share, to sense what it is like for two or more who live alone with separate memories to become a greater whole.

But why did I feel all the power held by that slight contact? How did we come as close as we did? Throughout time men have sought that feeling and believed it possible to achieve. Was it as the ancients thought, a product of the alignment of the stars or something much more basic? Was it the brightness of that day, my sitting in that divine spot, with that specific strength of wind combined with those particular trees? I suspect not since it has been like that on many days and they didn't come.

Could it be that if I sit and do the same things, shifting my thoughts along the same patterns they will come again?

But is it all pointless? To what extent does it depend on them as well as me? Does he have to be about to sleep or must he sit as I now sit waiting with open mind?

And where is he? Where was he? When was he there? How did they lock on to me in time and place? Was he a man of my own time? From my family perhaps? I wish I knew for then I might better know how to proceed.

But I feel myself upon the edge of sleep once more. I must keep note because I know I can succeed. I must keep notes. I must keep notes. I must remember this when my mind returns.


Beloved students, do not fear the x z line; words said without any shape some time just before the dawn. A scrap of paper alongside my bed helped me get them right for they slipped away between the time of hearing and rising from my bed. There were other words written in my notes which said, I  come m'lud.

The words repeated in my head and I could hear them once again, a male voice but a new man like none I had never met, stating calmly, Beloved students, do not fear the x z line. How do I know how they were said? It is because their tune lay in my mind. I could feel their presence without displeasure or any feeling whatsoever. Increasingly I learn that it is the feeling more than the substance that shapes my memory and to replay its tune recalls it as it was when it first occurred. The second part was from some one else, a child like voice that tumbled through its words in eagerness to please. But the m'lud I wrote may not be true it carries an uncertain aura. My lettering of this person's words awakes the feeling of 'perhaps' not of something actually heard.

So I feel these words shake out their story and  in between they awaken shapes and tones. There was a bowl, small and almost filled with slopping water that held the voices apart.

I must have fetched a bowl for when I woke there was one upon the window-sill much like the one I had seen. And placed across it pointing outwards at an angle was a pencil. I don't remember doing it but it had to be me, just as the voice and all its sounds mirrored things from me. It made some kind of sense as something I would do to note the time and place of my unawakened state.

As I play these things across my mind the art of memory strikes the chords. There were people waiting for a plane and we laughed at their folly when they accepted they would be in Scotland within an hour. Yes there is a we, me and someone else, perhaps a woman or a girl but I didn't see who she was but it seemed we always had belonged and this was something that the two of us often did.

Then another group of people hurried by heading for a plane. We followed and as we walked another person joined the two of us, a male in leather jacket. The plane we boarded was very old and we unlike the other passengers entered at the back and huddled concealed between the seats and a funny throne-like chair installed in an alcove which had cracked and broken wood around its edge.

We knew right through that journey that this was wrong, these people weren't our friends.

The plane flew for a short time perhaps forty minutes more or less and as it landed from my dreams came a solid picture. We were near the sea and strips of low coastal dunes separated us from the rural airport.

Stumbling down by unremembered means we came across a man working on another plane. You're in northern England, he replied when asked. The sun shone down, the wind whistled through the rigging of the plane and all my subtle senses told me I had never been here before.


I have no understanding of what 'do not fear the x z line' means nor do I know whose voice I heard. That voice started with 'Welcome students' which implies a starting point and a particular relationship. But I saw no-one that filled the role of instructor. I suspect he may be me, a deeper part of me, echoing the resonances of my past.

Of course I wonder what the 'x z line' is but the only elements that resonate with such a theme are my thoughts of ease and unease. These are two clumsy terms but there are none better that I can call to mind. Already I know that what I feel is not the same as on TV it is more like the sensations felt in reading a book. It is like the ghost of memory that helps recall to happen when interrupted in a thought. Every experience I have of this tells me it is a means that everyday words do not cover but there are some that can help me in shaping how I must proceed.

That ghost, the sprite of memory that aids recall of lost mental streams relies on the warmth or shadow it invokes; the happiness or sadness felt;  the pride or shame it roused. By such ephemeral things I have often picked out the nuggets of my thoughts and around them rebuilt the mental world where I was.

If I am to learn the art of united minds I must surely use similar means. Those intrusive voices and the images they invoke will bear their own emotional tones and it is to them I must turn my efforts.

And who better to approach than those who were on that plane with me, those male and female forms who I now feel were my fellow students.  And of the two it was the female form in whom I held most hope for I had the feeling that we had met before.


My mystery companion returned to me last night and it was Anna who brought her back. There were the slimmest of traces that I had grasped from that time before but it turned out to be enough. Two nights had passed without success and then on the third at a time late in the night I sensed her presence once again.  Again the bowl of water with its pencil were in the place on the sill when I awoke but the alignment of one to the other differed slightly.

To get there I had patched her aura to that of Anna, my wife, the person whose emotional essence most permeates my meaning. I chose the sensations of Anna, whose arts define my love of womankind since it seemed to me they held the richest most complex harmonies of my life.

This act alone sent shivers through my mind as I waited while searching for the tone that would signal the strangers return. But these actions are a most potent drug that mimic the settings of sleep and so often they will delay my ultimate aim. There is pleasure and benefit in the ease with which I fall asleep when so absorbed but it means the quest cannot advance except when re-awoken by the calls of night or the coming dawn.

The signal was weak when it arrived but she was there together with a renewed sighting of that plane and land. I could see little of her reality just as on that earlier flight but I knew it didn't matter, not yet and maybe never. But what I was aware of from the start was that she lacked the charisma of Anna. There wasn't the disturbance factor that kept my mind alert. Humour was almost absent and lacked the wry, unexpectedness generated by my partner of over forty years. In both there is intelligence but in this ethereal acquaintance it was haunted by the presence of ongoing stress.

Even as I interacted with this thread of mine I felt her patterns probing me. A sense of disappointment stirred around talents I had not pursued but more than that it was an assessment of what could have been loosely tinged with scorn. But when I turned my mind back to her it lit up  with the pride of things she'd done well. And then a hint of my anger at her lack of independent goals shimmered through my mind. Like sparks lit by cinders our minds rang back and forth while we defined each other against the measures of ourselves.

Take care for this isn't what I meant to do,  I thought to myself and felt it register and echo back.  Yes, take care and I must care for you.  I lost her then but I am confident we will meet again.


Why? hung like a riff throughout my waking day. Not the why that seeks reason, nor that which asks 'Why you?' The comfort of her tug upon my mind assured that all these other things she already knew.

It had been almost twenty eight days since we last united in my mind yet the thought of 'why?' remained. It was there as we parted and lay as memories do, gnawing at my roots. It was her question as much as mine, Why are we a chosen pair?

But now this question mellowed. We knew it was not a question of choice nor of selection, it was a connection that was natural, inescapable, pre-built into the fabric of our lives. We were different and our ways of interaction with the world had until now often been diametrically oriented. The paths to understanding slowly blossomed as the rareness of our new condition settled below the chain of emotions we now suffered and enjoyed.

We were no longer alone but we were a few, not many. And all of us were alone each in our time. We were not of a single moment or place but scattered over a pocket of human existence. The sensations of oneness-with-others are most strange for they flow like a sweet essence into the recesses of my mind and they trigger things I and they had forgotten as well as those we wish we could disown.

Tossed in the maelstrom of the personal experience of others, energy sapping heat seared my body along with scars of fear from death threats lingering in the skies. Unsteadied by the crush of these I had no time to enjoy the undertow of their family or personal pleasures before the changing energy levels of their worlds consumed me once again. This was not anything that any one of us had felt alone but a collage  unleashed through the collective memory of all. A tidal wave of emotions that left me shaking, shivering like in a violent sea crashing on a shore, tearing at the insecure stance of my human legs striving to deny nature of its fury.

My increasingly anxious mind awash with the chaotic deluge of swirling raw emotions signalled I wasn't ready for this. In dismay I retreated from their presence yet I knew I would return.


Thirty more days passed before she returned. Once more the pencil and the bowl were there when I awoke. The pencil's alignment had changed once more and it seemed to me to be a regular shift around the basin's edge, like the movement of the night sky.

Our mutual quest was softer than the last, it was the search for who. The softness came from both of us through the more respectful tone of our questions and the responses raised were then more informative and less alarming. We learnt, both of us, turn by turn, to enjoy our gift of being in another's mind.

She was a gentle witch beloved by her neighbours. She had sisters but they were no longer there, three were dead, another still-born and two had married and moved far off. She had felt alone since her mother died, more so because of what her mind could do. It was only now at the crisis point of her life that she had dared to venture beyond the realm in which she must survive.

I call her gentle witch because that is what gave her pride. She had been known by that term to those around her ever since she was young. they thought she saw the better things in their minds and they turned to her for healing of their mental wounds. Long ago she had learnt that which I had also learned which was to hide the gift away from those who would see it as unnatural. She, like I, didn't see into the minds of those close to her, she drew from the past and future to ask the questions that seemed prescient to those seeking answers. She had known she had a source not available to others but only over time had she dared to understand its breadth and origins. Everyday survival had taught her to be circumspect.

I knew what she meant and as I was to learn it was commonplace amongst our kind. Yes, enjoy the fruits of praise that come from being considered wise but never let it challenge the tolerance of those who love or might mistrust you. And never come to the attention of those who set the code by which people choose who will live and die.

She was more graceful than I, more tolerant of the ignorance of man whereas in me it showed as a reluctant acceptance of the unchangeable. True, I like her, admired the good that came out of many men and women, but to me it was the dark recesses in the minds of the silent majority that tipped the scales of judgement away from an enlightened race to one of self-serving, short-lived destroyers of us all.

She had no fear of death unlike those around her. It would come but unlike the rest of the world she knew her presence was already held within an eternal strand. Her emotions were now mine, triggered by our mutual understanding of the people's fear and all that it spawns. Ego, ambition, power and unreason are all products of a terminal life but she reads these acts with tolerance, as drivers of the good, while I see them as the core of what we know will come through man, the inevitable flaws of birth from which there is no long-term escape.

The slowly changing nature of our meeting had taken a measured, pleasurable path and neither of us had felt the need to withdraw as precipitously as we had done before and to my delight our meeting ended in a more personal realm of our lives.

It began when her thoughts touched upon her daughters and her sons and I felt her richest glow of pride. Although they would not have her gift they had her presence and she basked in this more than any other thing upon which our minds had dwelled. They were close to her, part of her, carriers of our gift but they would never enjoy it as we do, unlike the beings that from their hidden genes would come.

Her children though would never meet descendants of mine and this saddened me a lot. It would not be our family unions from which the new man would arise.


Once again I felt pleased. The man from the flight had come alone.

We both had sought this encounter but it had needed individual contact with the gentle witch to be absorbed by both of us before it would make sense.

I had returned to the images surrounding him, the plane, the airport, his jacket and that weird journey across the English sky.

But now that he had chosen to come I felt that the visions I had seen before lacked truth.

Curious to understand this enigma I settled down allowing the coloured blurs in my mind to take on meaning.

Dark roofed hangars lay around the runway where we landed. The planes on which men worked were smaller and more sinister than the one in which we had flown. He was at ease in this place for it was primarily images from his mind that had lain the physical framework of my earlier vision.

But he was older now, much older.

How could I tell when the images of him were all mine? Because they weren't, of this I was sure. It was resonance of our minds that drove what I felt about my visitors, not the images that those around them might see, but my own creations responding to the depth and breadth of their memories.

He was older and a survivor of tragic horrors that explained why all three of us had united here. His was the strongest pattern and it dominated the shaping of our united visions. That which each of us had viewed was true within this setting but not so in relation to places he had been.

Each of us played our part in shaping that experience and his started with the physicality we perceived.

It was the gentle witch whose mind had sent us on that journey with her strong desire for the discovery of peace from war. It was her emotions that provided the gateway for our union.

And I was the initiator, the one who ached to learn the secrets of those wisps of sharing eternally present in my mind. The shaping of the questions began with me. The motivation of the quest came from me.


Last night I had a vision of a dog jumping clumsily down from an open carriage. Ears back, head turned, tail awag, waiting for his master.

But his master also had to wait. Legs swollen by means not understood by his doctors he relies on strength from those within his line. Debilitating as this illness is, it will pass provided he can keep his doctors at bay but now he waits as the short term remedy builds within his mind.

His companions wait until he has the strength then take him by the hands to guide his fragile, hesitant, stumbling steps towards the ground.

His jacket had that long-worn smell taken on by well-treated leather which held his identity as much as his aged flesh. After all it had been with him though battles and had kept him alive. And it had stayed with him as life had slipped from being his future to this untimely state of treasured memories that now elude recall.

He was still with us and it was from his mind that the rectifier came. In truth beset by continuous mixing his simple strategies were essential filters.

I knew he was the man that flew on that earlier journey. The same man who now gratefully reached the ground. The same man that had rejected me but the dog, though just as faithful, was not the same.

His mind had changed with each setting in which I had encountered him. Rejected, aloof and now dependent it was the same mind and by my choice of stimulus I could feel them all.


With thanks to Michel de Nostradame whose writings give insight into the prophetic process;

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

New programs to produce computer generated analyses of Nostradamus' Prophecies.

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I have spent the last few weeks building computer programs that take the content of Nostradamus' text and produce an anagram analysis for every verse which I can then publish  as  a web page. Sample output is given below.

The upshot is I can print out every verse in a matter of minutes.

Computer generated anagram analysis of Nostradamus' verse Centuries.1 Quatrain.1
Copyright: Allan Webber, September 2014

This page is one of 942 which show the computer analyses of each and every one of Nostradamus' Quatrains. There are two significant forms of analysis the first of which shows the most complex anagrams and their sequences while the second displays the actual rarity of the anagrams.
The presentation of this verse may differ slightly from those I create manually but the framework is identical for the computer analysis relies on the exact same rules as set out in my paper called Webber's rules.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Nostradamus C.4 Q.73: The raising of the dead by occult means.

Nostradamus C.4 Q.73: The raising of the dead by occult means.

Although there are sixteen anagrams for powers (in the form of pouuers) three of them occur independently in this verse and amongst the others there are strongly cohesive patterns. Despite the fact that the text of this verse appears irrelevant its anagrams indicate it is the focal point of very vital themes. Not only is the word powers found three times but so too is cupreous. The most powerful links that tie themes together are based on anagrams that occur in two verses only and in this verse two of the three instances of powers form paired word combinations that only occur twice throughout the Prophecies. These two word combinations 'ill powers' and 'fear powers' are backed by the singularly occurring 'core powers' to generate a sense of the centrality of this potent threat. It is these underlying anagrams that places a definitive and sinister tone  upon 'The treaty made by the pusillanimous heart.....When the pantomime will take place in the evening'
The nature of these ill powers is the use of religious and astrological  rites to influence the ghostly rise of the dead.
This repetition of the term powers provides two vital links that are located in  C2 Q.35 and C.9 Q.13 where these themes are expanded.
The great nephew by force will test The treaty made by the pusillanimous heart: The Duke will try Ferrara and Asti, When the pantomime will take place in the evening.
Le nepueu grand par forces prouuera
La pache fait du coeur pu$illanime
Ferrare et Ast le Duc e$prouuera
Par lors qu'au soir $era le pantomimes.
  1. <uuagner procures pad for><core pouuers><for corpse reneuuaL><uuagner pen force reaL pouuers>cupreous forceps
  2. <paLace main duct ill powerS><cupreouS miLlenia faithed><miLlenia purSue><each pouuerS lilian ampLe duct> pamEla apache
  3. <pouuerS Fear rarer estAte><cupreouS era sAluteD><corpSe uuear lAtest Due><proDuceS lAtest><**Fear eAster rare pouuerS culteD**>
  4. <planet roSaries><Serious squalor><omnitemPoral [eternally everywhere] paler riSe><so paternal / parental squalor riSe><ammonite [semitic people] Polar sauior relapSe><Palermo / leProma ptomaine>< lePanto mime>
  1. procures, 'UUagner (UU=W) procures', 'core pouuers', 'corpse reneuual', faithed, Ammonite,  omnitemporal, ptomaine
  2. forceps, 'ill pouuers (powers)', 'fear pouuers (uu=ww)', Lilian
  3. millenia, produces, rosaries
  4. culted, squalor
  5. paternal / parental
  6. pursue, Apache, Lepanto
  7. UUagner (UU=W), Pamela, Palermo / leproma
  8. palace, saluted, serious
  9. cupreous (3 in C.4 Q.73)
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. latest
  14. rarer, estate, planet
  15. Sauior (Saviour)
  16. pouuers (powers- 3 in this verse- different lines)
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. corpse

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Nostradamus C.3 Q.67: Motivations on death that underlie the creation of many sects.

Nostradamus C.3 Q.67: Motivations on death that underlie the creation of many sects.

In this verse Nostradamus illustrates his understanding of the religious forces that underpin the creation of new sects. He sees the primitive forces at work that will constantly bubble up from ancient streams of thought. This verse is not restricted to one particular time but is a vision covering many sects over several centuries including those in France in the sixeenth century.

C.3 Q.67
A new sect of Philosophers
Despising death, gold, honors and riches
Will not be bordering upon the German mountains:
To follow them they will have power and crowds.
Vne nouuelle $ecte de Philo$ophes
Me$pri$ant mort or honneurs et riche$$es
Des monts Germains ne $eront limitrophes
A les ensuyure auront appuy et pre$$es.
  1. <seVen hoopS nouu delPhi Selected><Philo hopeS enuuoVen><PoliSh(ed) hopes>
  2. <he recruits none othr ><She iMpreSSes scrutineer><PerSianS richest MeSs ensure><Seems hereticS><PerSiaS richest rune honor MeSSes><eMpreSS Saint hone richeSt motor rune>
  3. <milton sephirot st-Germain / mastering Demons Seen> <norSe strophe limit Demons reassiGnment><maGister Demons><eSsenian Germ not><remains monGst> <**inornateneSs not limit Germs seeDs-morph** >
  4. <type up SeerS uueary patron leAse><usury enseAls><As lessen SeerS puppetry><uueary patron retypes up SeAls>
  1. Delphi, polished, Sephirot, reassignment, puppetry
  2. hoops, enuuoven (uu=w), Polish, scrutineer, Magister, strophe, mongst, inornateness, uueary (weary), retypes
  3. selected, recruits, impresses, St-Germain / mastering, messes
  4. honor, heretics
  5. hopes, Milton, Essenian, germs
  6. Philo
  7. Empress, motor, usury
  8. horn, limit, type, enseals
  9. -
  10. richest
  11. -
  12. -
  13. patrons
  14. -
  15. Persians
  16. -
  17. Demons
  18. seven
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. lessen

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The ongoing search by those who seek to raise Jesus from the dead.

The ongoing search by those who seek to raise Jesus from the dead.

In the next few months I will be presenting the evidence that Nostradamus knew of persons who sought to raise Jesus from the dead in order to resolve the failure of this event happening of its own accord.  In the sixteenth century the focus was on the coming together of the planets and of practices involving ill powers gained from the study of demonology. Although these means are no loger widely held the advance science enables such cults to take on a new life. I invite you to become a follower of this blog if you want to see the story as it unfolds.

Over the past few months I have been upgrading the material I have made public by freely giving fuller representation of my anagram analyses for each verse. In doing so I have seen stronger threads emerge and I am convinced that I can build a Sephirot tree of life from those verses which are uniquely linked by another example of the same anagram. I do this because I believe that I will strengthen the understanding of Nostradamus major themes. It is in doing these new tasks that I have come to the conclusion Nostradamus included the past and future tale of zealots who are compelled to raise Jesus from the dead. But in todays world such a task takes on new avenues since cloning and the new technologies of DNA reproduction open new opportunities.

Such bizarre desires are not new but seem to be an inescapable part of religious fringes who hold a belief the bible couldn't be wrong and that the resurrection date was misunderstood from the beginning since it needs man's efforts not God's to begin the process.

Nostradamus C.1 Q.42 : At Lake Geneva an oblique fanatical idea raises the undead.

Nostradamus C.1 Q.42 : At Lake Geneva an oblique fanatical idea raises the undead.

This is one of only two verses where Nostradamus uses the letter 'K'. There is no doubt that there is an occult feel about the text which then draws attention to the name Henric found as an anagram in the last line. This in turn raises the potential that its ciphers are linked to the work of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa who. like Psellus, produced a cipher list based on the names of demons (See Cornelius Agrippa for more). Within the anagrams a tale emerges that is well suited to our modern times for it is in the modern era that the term airfield is relevant and the scenario fits to the major themes to which Nostradamus directed his prophecies. This story is part of the search by those who seek to raise Jesus from the dead. I believe it is linked to  events in Geneva and Northern Europe during the latter part of this century (See Geneva 2065 for more.)
C.1 Q.42
The tenth day of the April Calends, calculated in Gothic fashion
is revived again by wicked people.
The fire is put out and the diabolic gathering
seek the bones of the demon of Psellus.
Le dix Kalende d'Auril de faict Gotique
Resuscite encor par gens malins
Le feu e$tainct affemblee diabolique
Cherchant les os du d'Amant et P$elin.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <exiled laKe Got clarified undeAd quit><underlAid laKe><undeAd laKex airfield quite idLe> deifical
  2. <cuRses entice alarmingness><centuRies-process managers><pro-germans entice cuRses><once cites mineRals use><cuRses manliness reception><mans suRliness encite><apocenter cRuises>scRutinises sunrise seminal erection
  3. <feeL oblique idea fanatic femble><feeL oblique idea affemble intact*><in affect>fantaStic
  4. <**henricC /enriCh meant duAd loses chant Spelt**><**duAds meant charleston niChe Spelt**><mAndate Spelt chant enriCh><Splenetic ethnarch loses duAd><douses PeStilent Adam> ePiStle loathness
  1. lake,airfield,  clarified, alarmingness, pro-Germans, manliness, surliness, 'oblique idea', loathness
  2. deifical, scrutinises, affect, fantastic, oblique, duads
  3. underlaid, apocenter, Charleston
  4. curses
  5. reception, fanatic, ethnarch, pestilent
  6. exiled, managers, cruises, minerals
  7. Germans, sunrise, Henric / enrich, mandate
  8. undead, erection, duad
  9. splenetic, epistle
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. intact
  15. -
  16. niche
  17. Adam
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. spelt

Nostradamus C.10 Q.76: The history of failure of those who claimed they had decoded the prophecies.

This verse is linked to C.1 Q.1  by their holding the only two anagrams for detonators. Its story relates to the people of the past 500 years who have proclaimed the prophecies have been decoded.
The great Senate will ordain the triumph
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.
Le grand $enat di$cernera la pompe
A l'vn qu'apres $era vaincu cha$$e
Ses adherans $eront a $on de trompe
Biens publiez ennemys de$cha$$ez.
  1. <engLanderS rediStance poem><enLarged polar-map distances> <malaprop dangerS diSentrance>endangerS inStead directS / creditS diScern /reScind Sincere edictS
  2. <parques Anvl SeaS varianceS><cauvin [Calvin] era chaSes a un'qval presS><avian repreSs>
  3. <poem harneSsed Seas><poemS adheres> <norSe detonatorS><harneSS edeSsa poem><Shades poem rareneSs><reSonants Shared><tornadoeS not reharness> SonorantS hardneSs
  4. <Bi pens men nebulize Sachs dyeS><my supine enn beliez SachS>
  1. variances, harnessed, sonorants, hardness, tornadoes, (not)-reharness, nebulize, beliez (z-s)
  2. malaprop, disentrance, discern / rescind, variance, un'qval ('=e, v=u), detonators
  3. directs / credits
  4. redistance, avian
  5. Englanders, shared
  6. adheres
  7. sincere, resonants
  8. rareness
  9. endangers, shades
  10. -
  11. repress
  12. Cauvin
  13. Englander, edicts, distance
  14. supine
  15. -
  16. -
  17. dyes
  18. instead. anvl (v=u)
  19. Parques, Edessa
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. poem

Friday, August 1, 2014

Nostradamus C.1 Q.22: N's commentary on the astronomic code using a specific example of climate change.

Nostradamus C.1 Q.22: N's commentary on the astronomic code using a specific example of climate change.

This verse is one of those that contributed most to my earliest views on how Nostradamus incorporated astronomic data into his poetry (See my paper on Astronomy for more). My attention was drawn to it by the appearance of aone of the tree anagrams for astronomers and the singual anagrams for versification / verifications, fricative and frications together with wording in the first two lines of text that seemed to be haunted by the same elements.
It also brings together words that would not normally be linked but which when they manifest themselves as flamed glacier they can account for the great flooding Nostradamus foresaw.
C.1 Q.22
A thing existing without any senses
will cause its own end to happen through artifice.
At Autun, Chalan, Langres and the two Sens
there will be great damage from hail and ice.
Ce que viura et n'ayant aucun $ens
Viendra leser a mort $on artifice
Austun, Chalon, Langres et les deux Sens
La gres$e et glace fera grand malefice.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <**vi-a nature yucatan Sun sequenCe**><vi [6] nature SequenceS> uranite uranate equiCurve
  2. <if aStronomers real art eVinced><VerSification / VerificationS learned><ratifi aStronomers deliVerance>.<i learned aStronomers fricative [letters s,z,x,z,Ch,f,R]> <fricationS enVied><**aStronomer seal actifier driVen>
  3. <**uuAnts ranges Challon nexuS deletes**><susA unlatCh eldest nexuS><greets noLan launCh>reagents
  4. <legate arranged face SacriLeges flame><Sees arrange face flamed gLacier><LargeSse / Large eSs inflamed>Segregates
  1. Yucatan, sequence(s), equicurve, versification / verifications, fricative, frications, nexus, sacrilege, inflamed, segregates
  2. astronomer, deliverance, flamed
  3. astronomers, actifier, uuants (wants), launch, unlatch
  4. evinced, glacier
  5. -
  6. Nolan
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. greets / egrets
  11. deletes, legate, largesse
  12. arrange
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. uranate, uranite, flame
  19. eldest
  20. arranged

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Nostradamus' C.8 Q.56: The astrologer who guides a contrite pope on climate change.

Nostradamus' C.8 Q.56:  The astrologer who guides a contrite pope on climate change.

The most notable anagram in this verse  is that for astrologer as no other variants of this term are found anywhere else in the Prophecies. The guidance provided by the anagrams moves the focus to a contrite pope who consults fourteen astrologists about the troubles that climate change brings upon his throne. This is once again a verse that has relevance to events accompanying his predicted flood for the end of this century when seventy percent of all land will be underwater (See my paper on Floods for more).
The weak band will occupy the land,
those of high places will make dreadful cries. 
The large herd of the outer corner troubled, 
near D.nebro it falls discovered by the writings.
La bande foible le tertre occupera 
Ceux de hault lieu feront horribles crys 
Le gros troppeau de$tre coin troublera 
Tombe pres D. nebro de$couuers les e$cris
  1. <aLdebaran [alpha Tauri] cup befoil core letter><pure correct a banaL>parabLe
  2. <horriblest cry exCused> <till fourteen><futile throne hauled><fortune lie>north cyrSes
  3. <a contrite pope uSed><pape uSed bluer astroLoger><coresident real trouble> <Larger Secretion trouble troops><into ruble Legators [will maker] prop re-educatEs> <Praepostor English head student] uSed> <reLabel into our Secret> <aL gores ion trouble> eSoteric Sector
  4. <leSser peers benD coderS Tomb crises><elSe uuorse codeS><leSser codeS uu borne><**peer Sees mob benDs crisT decorouS rules**> ulcerous enrobeD
  1. correct, 'core letter', astrologer, 'real trouble', praepostor
  2. aldebaran, futile, 'Al Gore', re-label, re-educates, decorous
  3. legators, enrobed
  4. cryses (y=i), crises (different line)
  5. parable, horriblest, fourteen,coresident, troops, contrite, esoteric, bend(s)
  6. befoil, till, ulcerous
  7. fortune, north, secretion
  8. -
  9. pope
  10. -
  11. sector
  12. -
  13. throne
  14. -
  15. banal
  16. -
  17. bluer
  18. cry, excused
  19. -
  20. -
  21. coders

Nostradamus C.3 Q.38: The corporation that uses space science to conduct cancer experiments on captives

Nostradamus C.3 Q.38: The corporation that uses space science to conduct cancer experiments on captives.

It is normal for any reader to form a quick view as to what they are seeing which can actually prevent the understanding of what is obvious when read in a different context. This verse is a clear example where the anagrams for most omens will misdirect attention to the wrong realm. When the anagrams of this verse are read within the context of modern medical treatments such terms become uncomfortably familiar. The scenario in the anagrams emerges of a corporate group mistreating captured people in the pursuit of cancer research. The terms used in building this description are not only modern but of a time that lies ahead of us. A key anagram is that for astronomic and it is backed by another for astrionic which is the science and technology behind space electronics. There is also a series suggesting modern corporations involved in genetic science lie behind the events in the text. These include consortium, consortia and inter-corporate as well as genealoguist and genesis. The branch of science in which they are involved is the study of cancers and the collection of anagrams and words in the text imply it is an involuntary set of experiments to which they are subjected.  There is even minute detail about the way the experiments are conducted using laser beams and accurate recording devices to see any cancerous regrowth.
The Gallic people and a foreign nation
Beyond the mountains, dead, captured and killed:
In the contrary month and near vintage time,
Through the Lords drawn up in accord.
La gent Gauloi$e et nation e$trange
Outre les monts morts prins et profligez
Au mois contraire et proche de vendange
Par les $eigneurs en accord redigez
Anagram Clusters contained in N's French text.
  1. <eStonian argentaL Genealoguist><**generationS neateSt LanGuage-toil**><neStorian GauloniteS [Essene sect]  neaten><intonate Star angLe Gaulonite See><enStation angLe range> <louiSe antoinete> reSonating reSonant generantS anoint
  2. <most omens><set montmors [Calvin patron?] resOlute prints>< solemn rOute profile-getz>stormonts pointers momentss r'ports
  3. <Augean [very complex] astronomic><consortium Agenda><even-handed Age intercorporate> <unmAnaged consortia> astrionic recreations echoed peter
  4.  <Seiges, ensure can record><cancers eugeneSis [ regrowth] order><cancerous geneSis><laser Seeing cancerous gridder><gridder aPez lesSer gunneries> realiSes
  1. Antoinete, Montmors, Stormonts, astronomic, intercorporate, even-handed, unmanaged, astrionic, eugenesis, gridder
  2. intonate, consortium, cancerous, gunneries
  3. Gaulonite, genealoguist, generations, enstation / intonates, consortia
  4. -
  5. Estonian, resonating
  6. Gaulonites, generants, agenda, Cancers, record
  7. recreations
  8. neaten, resonant, augean, echoed, genesis
  9. -
  10. -
  11. resolute, pointers / proteins
  12. -
  13. realises
  14. prints, order
  15. anoint, sieges
  16. -
  17. argental, most
  18. Louise
  19. -
  20. -

Nostradamus C.3 Q.86: The European astrologer whose domination of rural areas precedes a great event.

Nostradamus C.3 Q.86: The European astrologer whose domination of rural areas precedes a great event.

This verse is one of those that most to my earliest views on how Nostradamus incorporated astronomic data into his poetry (See my paper on Astronomy for more). My attention was drawn to it because of similarities in its anagrams to that found in C.02 Q.35 where the anagrams for astronomers  was accompanied by two adjacent anagrams for ill powers. I proposed this gave evidence for Nostradamus' strong interest in astronomy and his rejection of astrology. This verse carries an anagram for astronomers that is adjacent to one for graver which is suggestive of arts to be condemned. It also carries an anagram for auspex, one of the other divining arts with limited scientific basis. It too has pointers to things being ill and it has a vague hint of Satanism all of which is in a tale of a particular personal journey.  This constructs a scenario in which an individual who rejects science and practices the art of astrology, not astronomy is the central character.
A chief of Ausonia will go to Spain By sea, he will make a stop in Marseilles: Before his death he will linger a long time: After his death one will see a great marvel.
Vn chef d'Au$onne aux E$paignes ira
Par mer fera arre$t de dans Marseille
Auant $a mort vn long temps languira
Apres $a mort on verra grand merueille.
  1. <Son Varies unchAfed [smooth] AuSpex [observer of birds] gain>
  2. <israel Prearm rearS daMndest fear><**israel rareSt deMands Paler farmer**><amPler realisM sadden rareSt fear><farmer elliPse area><Mans dreadeSt><fear arreSted> < arMies reSt area sadden>
  3. <Satan Aura><long ruing amplest><auriga [star - chariot rider] plans>matronS singular atomS
  4. <**graver aStronomers rue ill named raPe**><**graver aStronomers ran reillumed Ape> unarmed moraSs overran
  1. damndest, re-illumed
  2. Auriga, singular
  3. unchafed, dreadest, graver, astronomers
  4. -
  5. farmer
  6. demands, atoms, morass
  7. varies, realisms
  8. auspex, amplest, unarmed
  9. ellipse, arrested, overran
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. realism, matrons
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Nostradamus C.2 Q.35: N's commentary on the personal menace of his astronomic views.


Nostradamus C.2 Q.35: N's commentary on the personal menace of his astronomic views.

This verse is one of those that contributed most to my earliest views on how Nostradamus incorporated astronomic data into his poetry (See my paper on Astronomy for more). My attention was drawn to it by the anagrams of the fourth line where astronomers  and astronomist stand out as having especially powerful links to the text of that line. The tone of the anagrams is consistent with the views of a person of the sixteenth century who understood the difference between the ill powers of astrology and the pure logic of astronomy. Using the anagrams of this verse in the manner of a powerful keyword filter we can build a focussed picture which correctly foretells the split of 16th century astronomy into two distinct branches, astronomy and astrology but it has an even greater story of the martyrdom of an astronomist, Giordano de Bruno.
The fire by night will take hold in two lodgings, Several within suffocated and roasted. It will happen near two rivers as one: Sun, Sagittarius and Capricorn all will be reduced.
Dans deux logis de nuict le feu prendra
Plu$ieurs dedans e$touffez et ro$tis
Pres de deux fleuues pour $eul il auiendra
Sol l'Arq et Caper tous $eront a mortis.
Anagrams research that first alerted me to the possibility of there being code was done by me twenty years and it showed that although there is no substantial difference between the frequency of the letter pairs n-m and l-g (which distinguish the two words) there is a significant difference between the occurrences of variants for astronomy and astrology in Nostradamus' Prophecies. There are a total of eleven for astronomy (see astronomers) but only one for the identical variants of astrology (astrologer C.8 Q.56). Enough of a difference exists to infer that Nostradamus saw himself as an astronomer not an astrologer. And this view then gives the prophetic rationale to the text as shown in this precis of one event in history.
Four centuries ago on February 16, 1600, many years after Nostradamus' own death,  the Roman Catholic Church executed Giordano Bruno, Italian philosopher and scientist, for the crime of heresy. He was taken from his cell in the early hours of the morning and burnt alive at the stake. In a peculiar twist to the gruesome affair, the executioners were ordered to tie his tongue so that he would be unable to address those gathered. This happened in Rome at a place alongside the Tiber. Throughout his life Bruno championed the Copernican system of astronomy which placed the sun, not the Earth, at the centre of the solar system and he was one of the first to realize that stars are actually suns.

There is also a second theme in the anagrams which implies there is still to come an astronomer whose views will offend people of Jewish faith and this accounts for the twinning found in the text.

The fire by night will take hold in two lodgings, Several within suffocated and roasted. It will happen near two rivers as one: Sun, Sagittarius and Capricorn all will be reduced.
Dans deux logis de nuict le feu prendra
Plu$ieurs dedans e$touffez et ro$tis
Pres de deux fleuues pour $eul il auiendra
Sol l'Arq et Caper tous $eront a mortis.
  1. <feel pure logixs used uncited><raDdan induce logix fleet used><design enxlouds><lux saDden> pretenceful
  2. <sadder ieuuS storez Spilt><**saddens uuiser Splits feeZ foetus rot**><storez deadness to Split usuries><uuiSe dreads onsets> Edessan reSidues / reiSsued
  3. <deduxes / seduxed pouuerleSs fleuu unrepaired><**sPare fuel exuded ruined ill pouuerS use** > fluxed sPread Prouuess pouuerful-use
  4. <So All aStronomers paCqet its route><**aStronomist raCqet All posture(s) /proetus roSe**><treaSon posture> treaSonous
  1. pretenceful, logix(x=c), splits, 'astronomers route', 'astronomer posture', pacqet (q=k), treasonous, racqet (q=k)
  2. enxlouds (x=c), split / spilt, ' ill pouuers (uu=w)', astronomist
  3. astronomers
  4. storez (z=s), pouuerless (uu=w), postures
  5. prouuess (uu=w)
  6. -
  7. residues / reissued
  8. deduxes / seduxed (x=c), fluxed
  9. design
  10. -
  11. Eddessan / deadness, unrepaired
  12. -
  13. onsets, exuded
  14. Raddan(?)
  15. -
  16. usuries, pouuers (uu=w), posture / Proetus
  17. saddens, Ieuus (Jews)
  18. sadder / dreads
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. uuiser (wiser)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Nostradamus C.3 Q.48: How Nostradamus used his poetry to hide his astronomic code.

Nostradamus C.3 Q.48: How Nostradamus used his poetry to hide his astronomic code.

This verse is one of those that contributed most to my earliest views on how Nostradamus incorporated astronomic data into his poetry (See my paper on Astronomy for more). My attention was drawn to it by the singular anagrams for 'memorizes, mansions, truer time, in size' found in its fourth line. The mansions relate to an equatorial system of astronomy and by making this connection I was able to give meaning to the text of the fourth line. The decay of a particular star beneath the horizon accounts for much of the content in the text while another theme found in the anagrams can be tied into the remainder of the text. The whole is related to the set of mutations the world will experience at the end of this century.
In presenting each of Nostradamus' verse with the layout given here I bring together the elements of his word-craft on which we are dependent for clarifying the enigmas in the text. In all my works I have claimed this process is like the keywords we now use to gather information from the data cloud of the internet and like that process there can never be total reliance  on a single word or cluster nor can we reliance on infrequency as an unquestionable guide. Instead we must always use it as a gestalt, a totality filtered by many markers.
C.3 Q.48
 Seven hundred captives bound roughly.
Lots drawn for the half to be murdered:
The hope at hand will come very promptly
But not as soon as the fifteenth death.
Sept cens captifs e$tachez rudement
Pour la moitie meurtrir donne le $ort
Le proche e$poir viendra $i promptement
Mais non $i to$t qu'vne quinzie$me mort.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <rude men Safest Step accents pit><unmetred Step teaches z fits caps> feaSts dementS cheatS / chaSte
  2. <none rid PetrolS truer time><ural [mountains] omit Poorest><it uProotS moral><ural trooPS omit>
  3. <prechoSe eLement><petroL men tempor [ word element]><diviner pose pairs echo ><previSioned>rapids Speech-Lore preordainS raindropS ecoSphere [life sphere]
  4. <it quot's uniqve Mansions><MansionS meteoriSm [flatulence?]><quin memorizeS><noMinators uniqve quot's Sit><in Size><notionS aiMs>insoMnias memorieS roMantism / Matronism Monetarism
  1. 'truer time', previsioned, ecosphere, raindrops, speechlore, pre-ordains, insomnias, nominators, 'in size', memorizes, memories
  2. accents, poorest, 'petrol men', notions, meteorism
  3. unmetred, uproots, monetarism
  4. safest / feasts, romantism / matronism
  5. troops
  6. diviner, uniqve (v=u), quot's ('=e)
  7. dements, element, rapids
  8. -
  9. teaches, prechose
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. petrols (different line to petrol)
  14. petrol
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. moral
  19. -
  20. cheats / chaste, omit

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Nostradamus' C.2 Q.45: The Annunki weep as mankind enters a nuclear war.

Nostradamus' C.2 Q.45: The Annunki weep as mankind enters a nuclear war.

The anagrams of this verse reference the Sumerian tale of the Annunaki which have been linked by many to the Fallen Angels in the  Book of Enoch. This allusion offers the potential for understanding of the bizarre text with its clear links to the heavens and a heavenly war. Nostradamus' seems to be taking the Annunaki position as to the nature of man and extending the spiritual and war-like capacity of our race to explain the onset of war in our century.
 Too much the heavens weep for the Androgyne begot Near the heavens human blood shed: Because of death too late a great people re-create Late and soon the awaited relief comes.
Trop le ciel pleure l'Androgyn procree
Pres de ciel Sang humain re$pandu
Par mort trop tard grand peuple recree
Tard et tost vient le $ecours attendu.
  1. <d'orleAn rule pellice [Italy town] Port ><pellice lAnd rue peTrol orgy><d'orlean peTrol energy-corp> <nuclear-pile-older-energy petrol>police
  2. <angEls humaniSer decries> <leaShing Sumerian creed><main Seal hung unSpared><unleaShing-armieS><aPpendS-uranium> perSian
  3. < dart port ungrappled mortar creePer>
  4.  <unstated luteovireScents roTated><soviet Sources lent attuned darT><Select our state rotated invest><stature unTraded><Source attends>
  1. leashing, luteovirescent(s) (greenish-yellow)
  2. creeper, untraded
  3. humaniser, rotated
  4. Pellice, police, hung
  5. decries, Sumerian
  6. ungrappled
  7. Soviet
  8. unspared, stature, attends
  9. -
  10. attuned
  11. -
  12. orgy / gory
  13. -
  14. petrol, invest
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. creed
  19. -
  20. sources
  21. d'Orlean

Nostradamus C.8 Q.69: How the Sephirot numbering system is applied in the Prophecies

Nostradamus C.8 Q.69: How the Sephirot numbering system is applied in the Prophecies.

The Sephiroth is strongly represented in both the text and anagrams of this verse. Since ancient time together with numbers to distinguish the spheres this device has used angel names. The number references in the text closely fit to this scheme and this idea of number is especially powerful in the anagrams where in the second line all letters are used to form  'final numerator interleaves'. One sefirotic term for the ten spheres is 'Sephira' and this is also found in the anagrams. The angel reference in the text of line one reinforces the connection since in ancient Hebrew tradaition the Sephira are controlled by specific angels. And in the anagrams this connection is reinforced in the second line by one for Rafael (er a laf) who is the controlling angel of the first sphere. Alongside Rafael in the same sphere there are two other angels thereby allowing much of the referencing in the text to be applied to the Sephirot. The rationale underpinning the verse is the ascribing of numeric values to Nostradamus' code and the means by which it is achieved are hinted at in many ways within this deterministic lettering.
 Beside the young one the old angel falls,
and will come to rise above him at the end;
ten years equal to most the old one falls again,
of three two and one, the eighth seraphim.
Aupres du jeune le vieux ange bai$$er
Et le viendra $urmonter a la fin
Dix ans e$gaux au plus vieux rabai$$er
De trois deux l'vn l'huitie$me $eraphin.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <agen uxe baSiS jeuu persuAder live / levi> <june a evil uxe began pursued / usurped rAises><uprAises evil uxe began> ASSure
  2. <**final numeratorS intErleaved [in alternate verses?]**><montreal inflatE><armourS inflatE evil end><later invader mournS>eridanuS [constellation] Enif [alpha star in Peg] rafael / aflare remountS
  3. <paul vieuus usagex arabx Sires><arab uxe iS vi [6] raDixeS [number bases]> <uSage(s)> <naxi SeabirDS gaSes> baSiS
  4. <reemphaSiSe tie><Seraph uxe Disoriented> <Sephirae [plural of sephira class] timeS><ampereS Site hinteD><**hulvin lux [light] Destroied heSperian [Western] timeS**>
  1. vieuus (views), Arabx (Arabs), radixes, SeabirdS, disoriented, Sephirae, Hesperian, Hulvin, destroied (i=y)
  2. interleaved, re-emphasise, hinted
  3. usagex (usages)
  4. Sephira
  5. -
  6. began, inflate, Eridanus, numerator,
  7. Jeuu (Jew), Seraph
  8. pursued / usurped, remounts
  9. upraises, armours, mourns
  10. persuader
  11. -
  12. -
  13. Montreal
  14. basis (2 in this verse)
  15. -
  16. finale
  17. -
  18. final
  19. Amperes
  20. Rafael / aflare
  21. June

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Nostradamus C.4 Q.25: Nostradamus' dream created via Odinistic shahmanism.

Nostradamus C.4 Q.25: Nostradamus' dream created via Odinistic shamanism.

This intriguing verse conveys a sense of importance through its enigmatic wording. It reads like a drug filled mind that sees the dreamer drifting in a visionary world where older constraints no longer apply. The anagrams are no less enigmatic but they do reflect the same tone as the text. They tell us the sub-process is unmissable for it is based on Odinic rituals to which Nostradamus gained access via gifts from his patrons. This allows Nostradamus to dream through the minds of people from his future and it grants him powers to unite remarkable events that lie outside his own world. There is unremarkably a disconnect in the anagrams that lies between alfonsine oil wells and the rare metals of China and it requires Nostradamus Odinic drugs to unify them.
 Lofty bodies endlessly visible to the eye,
Through these reasons they will come to obscure:
Body, forehead included, sense and head invisible,
Diminishing the sacred prayers.
Corps $ublimes $ans final oeil vi$ibles
Obnubiler viendront par ces rai$ons
Corps front comprins $ens chief et inui$ibles
Diminuant les $acrees oraison
  1. <unmiSsable proCesS><aimleSs SubproCess><final olive><Seas alfonSine limb>
  2. <Scenarios driven on part> <bOnus patron son carrieS><sO patron driven raiSe nubile son><portance driven> <nord not revile airS sparce bOnus>
  3. <inches feet uisible in >proCess for><chinese Sins><chief unitieS>
  4. <oDinism is><oDins luminant careSs><so i soar in careleSS minDs><**a Disunionism arose lent Scares**> <aDmission rose> inDium
  1. unmissable, subprocess, Odinism, luminant, disunionism, admission
  2. Alfonsine, Indium
  3. limb, carries, nubile, Chinese, Indiums
  4. bonus, portance
  5. process (2 in this verse), unities, careless, minds
  6. revile, inches
  7. scenarios, chief ( 4 as 'chief')
  8. -
  9. -
  10. aimless, Odins
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. final
  18. -
  19. -

Nostradamus' C.1 Q.80: On the mortal being of Christ and the concept of hell..

Nostradamus' C.1 Q.80: On the mortal being of Christ and the concept of hell.

This verse carries an anagram for Sefirot which fits well to the text in the first line since the Sefirot has ten spheres and the sixth (Tiferet) is associated with light (See Sephirot Code). The allegory in the rest of the text is about fiery battles  between different ideologies. One of the most notable of the anagrams is the family name of Nostradamus used alongside others in the third line that form the phrase 'hides Nostredame best use'. Other anagrams of import are those for Nestorians and Arianists which are groups whose ideologies are united in their recognition of Jesus' mortal condition. The theme of the verse seems to be about Nostradamus'  personal view on the creation of grace and light with sinners condemned to infernos. In his last line Nostradamus projects these ancient ideas into our near future with the infernos delivered by man's latest devices.
 From the sixth bright celestial light it will come to thunder very strongly in Burgundy. Then a monster will be born of a very hideous beast In March, April, May and June great wounding and weeping.
 De la $ixie$me claire $plendeur celefte
Viendra tonner $i fort en la Bourgongne
Puis nai$tra mon$tre de tres hideuse beste
Mars, Auril, May, Juin grand charpin et rongne
  1. <fleet iDeals reduce plenarieS [final] mixeS><**axiS i led unreflecteD miracleS / reclaimS Sleep**><replicaS / caliperS Seem> <perilS endure><left cure perilS need> reflect-/ed perSia iSrael Deflates
  2. <infernoS ordinate><our notaBle fireS><neStorian rend goVerning> <laBour frontierS><our eVening go><if nonreStrained><for notable Sinner> Sefirot
  3. <Supine trainS hide noStredame best use><**romanS be uPset deter tree his Saints used*><arianiSts be upset use hides deterrentS><demonStrate heirs used Puniest bee Strain> animatorS theirs
  4.  <rurAlism ruing Jay rontgen naMe><phaneric Magnetron><nor parthenic [unmarried] gerMans AMyluria [excess of starch]><nitrogen Auras parch Men> protein /point
  1. unreflected, reflect. reflected, deflate(s), non-restrained, governing, 'best use', Arianists [Believe Jesus a mortal], demonstrate, ruralism
  2. replicas / spiracle / calipers, notable, Jay, parthenic, magnetron, amyluria
  3. miracles / reclaims, animators, Nostredame, deterrents, phaneric
  4. mixes, evening, infernos, hides
  5. puniest, heirs, ruing
  6. frontier, sinner
  7. labour, Germans
  8. theirs, Rontgen
  9. hide
  10. reduce, axis
  11. Nestorian, upset, pointer / protein
  12. plenaries, fleet, Sefirot, parch
  13. -
  14. ordinate
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. auras, left
  20. ideals, fires