Sunday, April 6, 2014

Notradamus' C.6 Q.11- Geneva 2065 destruction

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Notradamus' C.6 Q.11- Geneva 2065 destruction and Valois lines Star Images.

This verse is one of only two holding anagrams for DESTRUCTION (also C.1 Q.47). It is also the only verse to hold an anagram for POSITRONIUM a concept that is in keeping with modern technological activities in Lake Leman but which had not the slightest existence in the sixteenth century (See Geneva 2065 for more).
The verse offers several other intriguing links from which I claim Nostradamus' writings are an astronomic code. In addition its context and conformity with the visible message help to show how the anagrams amplify the detail of each verse. Nostradamus again implies future events mirror those in the past, in this instance it relates to persons who manipulate ideology by proclaiming they know the secrets of the occult.
The seven branches will be reduced to three,
The elder ones will be surprised by death,
The two will be seduced to fratricide,
The conspirators will be dead while sleeping.
Des $ept rameaux a trois $eront reduicts
Les plus ai$nez $eront $urprins par mort
Fratricider les deux $eront $eduicts
Les coniurez en dormans $eront morts
  1. <destruction part Seeds riSes><reintroduces uxa riots><or Stories turned eDicts Steps arm uxa>
  2. <pseLLus [11th C Byz monk expert on demons] mort-aL Sin rezoneS sprain Spurt><zeroeS pauls Sin pens-mortal turns><sensualiZes>
  3. <elders deStruction exudeS><elder dexterouSneSs><introduceS><rex-deuS elders Seduction><norSe elders first-Seduct triadic uxe>
  4. <corneLius [16th C code expert] rezoned mans norSe storm><mans tormentorS endorze ruin cLoses> <cousin endorze><modern reaSons><re tormentors randomnesz secLusion>
  1. sensualizes, dexterousness
  2. triadic, rezoned / endorze, tormentors, seclusion
  3. destruction (2 in this verse), reintroduces, introduces (2 in this verse), randomness
  4. seduction, closes
  5. Cornelius
  6. -
  7. -
  8. Psellus (+1 as Psellos)
  9. -
  10. modern, cousin
  11. rezones
  12. edicts (+1 as text), zeroes

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