Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.90- Chemical pollution in the Mediterranean.

Nostradamus' verse C.5 Q.90- Chemical pollution in the Mediterranean.

The following verse with its message about famine and false dust has long been seen as part of a Nostradamian theme about modern times. It is seen as a story of chemical pollution or intentional poisoning in the eastern Mediterranean Lands. Its anagrams add to this view but not with the strength generated in other verses. The mention of pellets, athletes and thirteen cycles are ones that seem to add detail to the surface message. The disaster occurs in thirteen waves lasting about twenty-one days from one cycle to the next and nine months in total.
In the Cyclades, in Perinthus and Larissa,
In Sparta and the entire Pelopennesus:
Very great famine, plague through false dust,
Nine months will it last and throughout the entire peninsula.
Dans les cyclades en perinthe et lari$$e
Dedans Sparte tout le Pelloponne$$e
Si grand famine pe$te par faux conni$$e
Neuf mois tiendra et tout le cherrone$$e.
Anagram sequences in French text. (**= fills whole line)
  1. <**iSraelS thirteen cycles deepens a lanDs**><earlieSt hint> <athlete riSeS><realiStS therein deepens a lanDs cycles><Stealthier / earthlieSt>
  2. <Spartans Deed>< no SenSe Spans dEad><openneSS saDdens outlet part><oneneSS Pellet lop out Deadness part><Spans rotate>
  3. <ingreSSions [entries] infamed [made]><reaSSignS Step infamed><confuxians readingS repeatS>
  4. <i rotate end motifs norSe cheer eNSue><motifs outlet retained norSe cheer><outlet fume disorientate><editions treat outlet>
  1. athlete, thirteen, stealthier / earthliest, openness, ingressions, motifs, disorientate
  2. cycles, deepens, reassigns
  3. Spartans, Confuxians
  4. therein
  5. realists, infamed, rotate (2 this verse)
  6. -
  7. hint, editions
  8. pellet
  9. -
  10. deadness
  11. earliest

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