Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Centuries 1 Quatrain 25 (C.I Q.25)

Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 25

This verse has the hallmarks of being a road-sign. In it Nostradamus uses imagery at the text and hidden level to mark out seven distinct events of historical significance. I believe they are part of the story of the religious divide between those who believe Christ was a gifted mortal and those who believe he was related to God.
According to Wikipedia on June 8, 1886 Louis Pasteur received the highest class. award of the order of Medjidie by the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II. Now the second line of this verse which holds the name Pasteur hints at recognition of high status and although my anagram analysis renders demy Dieu honore in a different way it could be seen as an anagram of medydie honour and thereby provide an essential defining link to the text. Edessa is also referenced through the anagrams and it too has strong ties to the Ottoman Empire since it is  located in central Turkey. Edessa lay in the region called Oshroene or Osroene (also called Edessa), an area that was semi or completely autonomous from 132BCE to 244CE. The anagram for Oshroene only occurs twice and both are in this verse. The anagram for Osroene only occurs once and it is found in the second line of this verse. So the anagrams are such that they identify a single place and there are at least two periods of time able to be defined. The anagrams of the fourth line suggest there are a total of seven that will be identified.
The third line offers a confirmation that 1886 is a critical date. After 337 lunar cycles 326.97 solar years have passed and so the perfect cycles favoured by Nostradamus are applicable. Now 1555+327 equals 1882  and 1886 then fits into the slot defined by the third line. However the first occasion when a higher perfection is achieved involves 403 lunar cycles. This takes almost exactly 391 solar years  to occur and in so doing the great cycle sets another date of 1555+391= 1946 CE.
C.1 Q.25
  • The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries
  • Pasteur will be celebrated almost as a God-like figure
  • This is when the moon completes her great cycle,
  • but by other rumors he shall be dishonored.
  1. Perdu trouue cache de $i long $iecle
  2. Sera Pasteur demy Dieu honore
  3. Ains que la Lune acheue $on grand $iecle
  4. Par autres vents sera deshonore.
Anagram Clusters found in French Text.

  1. <i wuurote each Preclude godlineSS><chalcogenideS [alkalides] ecliPse touuer>
  2. <my rude Die [template] SeParates honour><oSrhoene [ancient Edessa] Past era> < Pastured> <onShore>
  3. <icelanderS Song equal A sin><and each slice anul a generouS sin> <organ he use declines>
  4. <onshore ventures asserted>< Osrhoene [Ancient Edessa] aPertura [small window] events><reads seven sets><edessa(r) events aPertura>>

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