Thursday, December 10, 2015

Road Map of the Story Lines in Nostradamus' Prophecies.

The following is an extract from my coming book showing the meaning of all 942 verses in Nostradamus Prophecies.
One of the big blockages to uderstanding of Nostradamus' text is the triviality of a huge number of verses. Many are so banal it seems hardly worthwhile even including them yet they are there. It is only if the reader can be given a method that overcomes this obstruction in a completely disciplined way that Nostradamus' efforts can be justified. I believe my anagram method does this. There may be other methods but I find many others such as numerology and Kabbalah techniques to be seriously flawed for they allow many different meanings to be given to those that already have some meaning and provide no basis at all for those verses considered to be trivial.
But the danger of the times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets are of events that should not be manifested except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only one direction and a unique meaning, and nothing shall be put [into it] that is ambiguous nor anything of ambiguous calculation. 1558 Henry Epistle (HEE6A)
I know from my work that Nostradamus' claim is valid however the reading of the verses requires awareness of the changed landscapes that Nostradamus foresaw since these change our current understanding of where seas, rivers, islands and mainlands lie.
In order for the verses to make sense using the text as the main basis it is desirable to have a roadmap of the stories so that each verse can be allotted its proper place. To this end I have produced the map below and although its elements may undergo shifts in time location as I continue to research the streams within the Prophecies these amendments will not change the basic premises nor the elements themselves.
Map of Nostradamus Story lines

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Hidden Story in Nostradamus' Prophecies.

The Hidden Story in Nostradamus' Prophecies.

December 6th 2015: At last I am free to write down the ideas I have developed over the last eighteen months. During that time I have been applying my analysis methods to each and every verse. As each part of the picture held within Nostradamus' Prophecies emerged I wanted to stop and write about it but I knew this was an impatience that would generate a work flawed by lack of full understanding. I knew there were a set of goals that had to be written before I could proceed and it is the failure of previous writers to achieve these same goals that makes their writings false.

These goals have always been part of my approach but it is only with each verse analysed that I could achieve the goal Nostradamus' set  at the end of his 1555 Preface when he said:

take this gift from your father M. Nostradamus, who hopes to explain to you every one of the prophecies set out in these quatrains.

But there other goals which are of equal importance and explaining why Nostradamus concentrated on a time 500 years in the future is one of the most important.  Such an explanations should ideally come  from Nostradamus' own writings and not from the bias of the person presenting his writings.

Another goal was the need to explain the enigmas in the  1558 Epistle to Henry which accompanied the first publication of the last three hundred of his nine hundred and forty two (942) quatrains that comprise Nostradamus' Prophecies. Those enigmas in clude the inclusion of two chronologies for the Christian story with the unusual property they don't agree with each other. And then there is the  mish-mash presented in the descriptions that followed these calendars. Nostradamus was quite open about the nature of his descriptions at the end of the first set where he says:

And for this [reason], Sire, by this discourse I present these predictions with confusion as to when they will be and the event involved for the enumeration of time that follows has no more than a little consistency in it.

Again the explanation should come from within the Prophecies themselves.

One of the powerful aspects of Nostradamus' writing that achieves this end lies in the continuity of a set of simple story lines which are defined by Nostradamus in many places  with the following extracts taken from his 1555 Preface  and 1558 Epistle being a good starting summary.

But now I want to reach out and declare happenings of common interest through incomprehensible and perplex sentences about future causes. The most urgent are those in which I perceive some human mutation PCE2

Events that in due time will fall upon the principal worshippers, firstly upon the temples of God; secondly, upon those who, sustained by the earth, approach such a decadence. Also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.  HEE7a

From these we see that Nostradamus' story lines are about changes in the fortunes of mankind on a scale never before seen.

I will show that the story line is detailed and yet compact involving the mutations of the human gene brought about by man's own efforts combined with the impact of genetic material carried on objects from the sky such as asteroids. These events coincide with another thread which is Flooding in Europe that is on a scale that is hitherto unknown.

The human-made mutations of the genes that have become possible only in our era provide the reasons for Nostradamus concentrating on the period from 2000CE and beyond. And it is the legacy of the Christian concept of Christ's resurrection that becomes a focal point of his genetic-mutation interest. The most recent bounds of science are often taken up by causes who see the ability to fulfil personal aims even when it doesn't fit with their ideology and it is no different with the ability to manipulate DNA. This is a major theme in a story line where a sect clones there own version of Jesus. It is a major theme because it is the main reason Nostradamus began his works but I believe his findings were not what he had originally expected.

The religious theme is a powerful story line for Nostradamus because its problems begin from ancient issues and it becomes integral to the wars that see the demise of humankind at the end of the fourth millennium and become part of the pattern that sees the genesis of a new species. But it is also the 16thC motivation for Nostradamus as shown by story lines about his patrons, those essential well-placed people who made the writing of the Prophecies possible.

And the story line of the patrons shapes another stream within the story since it supplies te reason why Nostradamus wrote his work but it also embraces the details of his secret methods and the means by which he gained access to the future.

It is my intention to write these story lines within an easily read form that uses the text from Nostradamus' verses and his other writings. Although I will allude to pertinent results derived from anagrams I will do so without all the detail that establishes their validity (which is currently available free on my website).