Monday, August 4, 2014

Nostradamus C.4 Q.73: The raising of the dead by occult means.

Nostradamus C.4 Q.73: The raising of the dead by occult means.

Although there are sixteen anagrams for powers (in the form of pouuers) three of them occur independently in this verse and amongst the others there are strongly cohesive patterns. Despite the fact that the text of this verse appears irrelevant its anagrams indicate it is the focal point of very vital themes. Not only is the word powers found three times but so too is cupreous. The most powerful links that tie themes together are based on anagrams that occur in two verses only and in this verse two of the three instances of powers form paired word combinations that only occur twice throughout the Prophecies. These two word combinations 'ill powers' and 'fear powers' are backed by the singularly occurring 'core powers' to generate a sense of the centrality of this potent threat. It is these underlying anagrams that places a definitive and sinister tone  upon 'The treaty made by the pusillanimous heart.....When the pantomime will take place in the evening'
The nature of these ill powers is the use of religious and astrological  rites to influence the ghostly rise of the dead.
This repetition of the term powers provides two vital links that are located in  C2 Q.35 and C.9 Q.13 where these themes are expanded.
The great nephew by force will test The treaty made by the pusillanimous heart: The Duke will try Ferrara and Asti, When the pantomime will take place in the evening.
Le nepueu grand par forces prouuera
La pache fait du coeur pu$illanime
Ferrare et Ast le Duc e$prouuera
Par lors qu'au soir $era le pantomimes.
  1. <uuagner procures pad for><core pouuers><for corpse reneuuaL><uuagner pen force reaL pouuers>cupreous forceps
  2. <paLace main duct ill powerS><cupreouS miLlenia faithed><miLlenia purSue><each pouuerS lilian ampLe duct> pamEla apache
  3. <pouuerS Fear rarer estAte><cupreouS era sAluteD><corpSe uuear lAtest Due><proDuceS lAtest><**Fear eAster rare pouuerS culteD**>
  4. <planet roSaries><Serious squalor><omnitemPoral [eternally everywhere] paler riSe><so paternal / parental squalor riSe><ammonite [semitic people] Polar sauior relapSe><Palermo / leProma ptomaine>< lePanto mime>
  1. procures, 'UUagner (UU=W) procures', 'core pouuers', 'corpse reneuual', faithed, Ammonite,  omnitemporal, ptomaine
  2. forceps, 'ill pouuers (powers)', 'fear pouuers (uu=ww)', Lilian
  3. millenia, produces, rosaries
  4. culted, squalor
  5. paternal / parental
  6. pursue, Apache, Lepanto
  7. UUagner (UU=W), Pamela, Palermo / leproma
  8. palace, saluted, serious
  9. cupreous (3 in C.4 Q.73)
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. latest
  14. rarer, estate, planet
  15. Sauior (Saviour)
  16. pouuers (powers- 3 in this verse- different lines)
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. corpse

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Nostradamus C.3 Q.67: Motivations on death that underlie the creation of many sects.

Nostradamus C.3 Q.67: Motivations on death that underlie the creation of many sects.

In this verse Nostradamus illustrates his understanding of the religious forces that underpin the creation of new sects. He sees the primitive forces at work that will constantly bubble up from ancient streams of thought. This verse is not restricted to one particular time but is a vision covering many sects over several centuries including those in France in the sixeenth century.

C.3 Q.67
A new sect of Philosophers
Despising death, gold, honors and riches
Will not be bordering upon the German mountains:
To follow them they will have power and crowds.
Vne nouuelle $ecte de Philo$ophes
Me$pri$ant mort or honneurs et riche$$es
Des monts Germains ne $eront limitrophes
A les ensuyure auront appuy et pre$$es.
  1. <seVen hoopS nouu delPhi Selected><Philo hopeS enuuoVen><PoliSh(ed) hopes>
  2. <he recruits none othr ><She iMpreSSes scrutineer><PerSianS richest MeSs ensure><Seems hereticS><PerSiaS richest rune honor MeSSes><eMpreSS Saint hone richeSt motor rune>
  3. <milton sephirot st-Germain / mastering Demons Seen> <norSe strophe limit Demons reassiGnment><maGister Demons><eSsenian Germ not><remains monGst> <**inornateneSs not limit Germs seeDs-morph** >
  4. <type up SeerS uueary patron leAse><usury enseAls><As lessen SeerS puppetry><uueary patron retypes up SeAls>
  1. Delphi, polished, Sephirot, reassignment, puppetry
  2. hoops, enuuoven (uu=w), Polish, scrutineer, Magister, strophe, mongst, inornateness, uueary (weary), retypes
  3. selected, recruits, impresses, St-Germain / mastering, messes
  4. honor, heretics
  5. hopes, Milton, Essenian, germs
  6. Philo
  7. Empress, motor, usury
  8. horn, limit, type, enseals
  9. -
  10. richest
  11. -
  12. -
  13. patrons
  14. -
  15. Persians
  16. -
  17. Demons
  18. seven
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. lessen

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The ongoing search by those who seek to raise Jesus from the dead.

The ongoing search by those who seek to raise Jesus from the dead.

In the next few months I will be presenting the evidence that Nostradamus knew of persons who sought to raise Jesus from the dead in order to resolve the failure of this event happening of its own accord.  In the sixteenth century the focus was on the coming together of the planets and of practices involving ill powers gained from the study of demonology. Although these means are no loger widely held the advance science enables such cults to take on a new life. I invite you to become a follower of this blog if you want to see the story as it unfolds.

Over the past few months I have been upgrading the material I have made public by freely giving fuller representation of my anagram analyses for each verse. In doing so I have seen stronger threads emerge and I am convinced that I can build a Sephirot tree of life from those verses which are uniquely linked by another example of the same anagram. I do this because I believe that I will strengthen the understanding of Nostradamus major themes. It is in doing these new tasks that I have come to the conclusion Nostradamus included the past and future tale of zealots who are compelled to raise Jesus from the dead. But in todays world such a task takes on new avenues since cloning and the new technologies of DNA reproduction open new opportunities.

Such bizarre desires are not new but seem to be an inescapable part of religious fringes who hold a belief the bible couldn't be wrong and that the resurrection date was misunderstood from the beginning since it needs man's efforts not God's to begin the process.

Nostradamus C.1 Q.42 : At Lake Geneva an oblique fanatical idea raises the undead.

Nostradamus C.1 Q.42 : At Lake Geneva an oblique fanatical idea raises the undead.

This is one of only two verses where Nostradamus uses the letter 'K'. There is no doubt that there is an occult feel about the text which then draws attention to the name Henric found as an anagram in the last line. This in turn raises the potential that its ciphers are linked to the work of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa who. like Psellus, produced a cipher list based on the names of demons (See Cornelius Agrippa for more). Within the anagrams a tale emerges that is well suited to our modern times for it is in the modern era that the term airfield is relevant and the scenario fits to the major themes to which Nostradamus directed his prophecies. This story is part of the search by those who seek to raise Jesus from the dead. I believe it is linked to  events in Geneva and Northern Europe during the latter part of this century (See Geneva 2065 for more.)
C.1 Q.42
The tenth day of the April Calends, calculated in Gothic fashion
is revived again by wicked people.
The fire is put out and the diabolic gathering
seek the bones of the demon of Psellus.
Le dix Kalende d'Auril de faict Gotique
Resuscite encor par gens malins
Le feu e$tainct affemblee diabolique
Cherchant les os du d'Amant et P$elin.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <exiled laKe Got clarified undeAd quit><underlAid laKe><undeAd laKex airfield quite idLe> deifical
  2. <cuRses entice alarmingness><centuRies-process managers><pro-germans entice cuRses><once cites mineRals use><cuRses manliness reception><mans suRliness encite><apocenter cRuises>scRutinises sunrise seminal erection
  3. <feeL oblique idea fanatic femble><feeL oblique idea affemble intact*><in affect>fantaStic
  4. <**henricC /enriCh meant duAd loses chant Spelt**><**duAds meant charleston niChe Spelt**><mAndate Spelt chant enriCh><Splenetic ethnarch loses duAd><douses PeStilent Adam> ePiStle loathness
  1. lake,airfield,  clarified, alarmingness, pro-Germans, manliness, surliness, 'oblique idea', loathness
  2. deifical, scrutinises, affect, fantastic, oblique, duads
  3. underlaid, apocenter, Charleston
  4. curses
  5. reception, fanatic, ethnarch, pestilent
  6. exiled, managers, cruises, minerals
  7. Germans, sunrise, Henric / enrich, mandate
  8. undead, erection, duad
  9. splenetic, epistle
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. intact
  15. -
  16. niche
  17. Adam
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. spelt

Nostradamus C.10 Q.76: The history of failure of those who claimed they had decoded the prophecies.

This verse is linked to C.1 Q.1  by their holding the only two anagrams for detonators. Its story relates to the people of the past 500 years who have proclaimed the prophecies have been decoded.
The great Senate will ordain the triumph
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.
Le grand $enat di$cernera la pompe
A l'vn qu'apres $era vaincu cha$$e
Ses adherans $eront a $on de trompe
Biens publiez ennemys de$cha$$ez.
  1. <engLanderS rediStance poem><enLarged polar-map distances> <malaprop dangerS diSentrance>endangerS inStead directS / creditS diScern /reScind Sincere edictS
  2. <parques Anvl SeaS varianceS><cauvin [Calvin] era chaSes a un'qval presS><avian repreSs>
  3. <poem harneSsed Seas><poemS adheres> <norSe detonatorS><harneSS edeSsa poem><Shades poem rareneSs><reSonants Shared><tornadoeS not reharness> SonorantS hardneSs
  4. <Bi pens men nebulize Sachs dyeS><my supine enn beliez SachS>
  1. variances, harnessed, sonorants, hardness, tornadoes, (not)-reharness, nebulize, beliez (z-s)
  2. malaprop, disentrance, discern / rescind, variance, un'qval ('=e, v=u), detonators
  3. directs / credits
  4. redistance, avian
  5. Englanders, shared
  6. adheres
  7. sincere, resonants
  8. rareness
  9. endangers, shades
  10. -
  11. repress
  12. Cauvin
  13. Englander, edicts, distance
  14. supine
  15. -
  16. -
  17. dyes
  18. instead. anvl (v=u)
  19. Parques, Edessa
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. poem

Friday, August 1, 2014

Nostradamus C.1 Q.22: N's commentary on the astronomic code using a specific example of climate change.

Nostradamus C.1 Q.22: N's commentary on the astronomic code using a specific example of climate change.

This verse is one of those that contributed most to my earliest views on how Nostradamus incorporated astronomic data into his poetry (See my paper on Astronomy for more). My attention was drawn to it by the appearance of aone of the tree anagrams for astronomers and the singual anagrams for versification / verifications, fricative and frications together with wording in the first two lines of text that seemed to be haunted by the same elements.
It also brings together words that would not normally be linked but which when they manifest themselves as flamed glacier they can account for the great flooding Nostradamus foresaw.
C.1 Q.22
A thing existing without any senses
will cause its own end to happen through artifice.
At Autun, Chalan, Langres and the two Sens
there will be great damage from hail and ice.
Ce que viura et n'ayant aucun $ens
Viendra leser a mort $on artifice
Austun, Chalon, Langres et les deux Sens
La gres$e et glace fera grand malefice.
Anagram Clusters contained in French text
  1. <**vi-a nature yucatan Sun sequenCe**><vi [6] nature SequenceS> uranite uranate equiCurve
  2. <if aStronomers real art eVinced><VerSification / VerificationS learned><ratifi aStronomers deliVerance>.<i learned aStronomers fricative [letters s,z,x,z,Ch,f,R]> <fricationS enVied><**aStronomer seal actifier driVen>
  3. <**uuAnts ranges Challon nexuS deletes**><susA unlatCh eldest nexuS><greets noLan launCh>reagents
  4. <legate arranged face SacriLeges flame><Sees arrange face flamed gLacier><LargeSse / Large eSs inflamed>Segregates
  1. Yucatan, sequence(s), equicurve, versification / verifications, fricative, frications, nexus, sacrilege, inflamed, segregates
  2. astronomer, deliverance, flamed
  3. astronomers, actifier, uuants (wants), launch, unlatch
  4. evinced, glacier
  5. -
  6. Nolan
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. greets / egrets
  11. deletes, legate, largesse
  12. arrange
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. uranate, uranite, flame
  19. eldest
  20. arranged