Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 54
This verse is another that helps set the dating of the century in which Nostradamus' great mutations are scheduled to occur. Like others in the same series it uses the historic event of the Polar stars closest approach to the North Pole to set the dates (See C.1 Q.51). This is a keystone verse that unifies Nostradamus' theme. We see the trail from the genesis of religious differences over Jesus' birth status come to its peak at the time of the Polar turning (2105CE). We also see details of other Nostradamic themes such as how the involvement of various sects increases the impact of fire from the sky, financial turmoil and inundation.
C.1 Q.54
Two revolutions made from the evil scythe
Anagram sequences in French text.
In the current era Polaris is currently the most mobile constellation of the so-called fixed stars as it is is changing its ascension and declination angles rapidly and this justifies a title of the mobile sign given in the visible words of the third line which says The mobile sign thus moves into its place. In March 2105 CE Polaris will be at its closest point to the spot where the imaginary Celestial North Pole's rune-like-sign (N) is placed. This occurs around Easter and it signifies the end of Polaris' ascent to the Pole. It will be over 25000 years before it will once again be as close to the pole. March 2105 CE therefore represents one of the rare moments in astronomic history since it ushers in a Great Mutation of the cycles of the skies.
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Thursday, October 31, 2013
Centuries 1 Quatrain 54 (C.I Q.54)
'C.1 Q.54',
falling mud,
flaming glacier,
mobile sign,
two revolutions
Centuries 1 Quatrain 51 (C.I Q.51)
Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 51
This verse is one of the first of those from which my unravelling of Nostradamus' Prophecies truly began. The cryptic method of star and planet usage is well illustrated in the analysis below. I have also included some of my more recent presentation included in my website discussion of the great mutations.
The head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn Chef d'Aries, Jupiter et Saturne
Anagram sequences in French text.
![]() With this in mind the first line of C.01 Q.51 becomes a good starting point for it's timing is readily identifiable and by using a visible astronomic format Nostradamus is also telling us that the hidden message is likely to contain an astronomic dating system. There are a very limited number of occurrences of anagrams based on the root 'mutates'. Two of the anagrams are for mutation are actually present in Nostradamus but one of these presents an anagram of 'mutates' as well. All normal variants have been sought and are shown in this page. Quatrain C.10 Q.90 holds one additional variant which extends a true anagram for mutation to become mutational. There are only five verses holding all these occurrences. Consider the anagrammatic message in line three of C.1 Q.5 which is given below (anagrams formed by regrouping letter clusters below original text). When doing so notice the ease with which the message is formed and how, once the message is known, it has the ability to make sense of the obscurities in Nostradamus’ visible text. Note: Alignment only occurs in one other verse and Polaris occurs in five other verses. A comprehensive message arises from the above which is I enclose Polaris route in close alignment to Polar rune sign. This fits closely with the cipher usage that I present in my section on astronomic ciphers in Nostradamus' Code. |
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Centuries 1 Quatrain 48 (C.I Q.48)
Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 48
I consider the following verse to be like C.1 Q.47 in that it is another of Nostradamus major references to his use of astronomic code. Its context and conformity with the visible message help to show how the anagrams amplify the detail of each of its lines.
When twenty years of the Moon's reign have passed- another will take up his reign for seven thousand years
- When the exhausted Sun takes up his cycle
- then my prophecy and threats will be accomplished.
Anagram sequences in French text.
Vingt ans du regne de la lune paSSezT- Sept mil ans autre tiendra Sa monarchie
- Quand le Soleil prendra Ses jours laSSez
- Lors accomplit et mine ma prophetie.
- <paulean legend VeZts><standing urge all need>
- <it true animals retained aS roman> <time-cipherS><australien><noStradamien planettariums><manipulateS entire dramas>
- <leo'S peril endearS>< QueenZlandS> <SealS Serjous>
- <meantime prophet> <oracLes> <complicate time prophet name><heLiotropes map> <soLar><aeroLites> <ectoplasmic roLe>.
- H3.3 Nevertheless, I wanted to leave a record in writing ..Action commencing from the present time, which is March 14, 1557, and going far beyond to the events which will take place at the beginning of the 7th millenary. ...NOSTRADAMUS 1558
The first line has consecutive anagrams referring to the a source namely Paulean.Legend. (gne de lalune pa). Paulean only occurs
in two other quatrains beside this one so it qualifies as a rare anagram.
This verse shows the purpose linking Nostradamus' sources since the second line has anagrams which say NOSTRADAMIEN.PLANETTARIUMS Animals retained as true harmonic time-ciphers. Alternate anagrams also suggest this is the true talisman. In the fourth line the anagrams state I complicate time roles Prophet name MEANTIME IN PTOLEMI COMPACTILE MAP ECTOPLASMIC (spirit) SOLAR TITLE . Most of these anagrams are extremely rare with animals the most abundant at six occurrences. And these ideas unite the work of Agrippa with those of the astronomer Ptolemy since both these men used the idea of musical harmonies to explain the movement patterns of the planets against the stars. In his work on planetary movements Agrippa suggests substitute names as code for both planets and significant asterisms with such a set of names being that of animals and another that of demons.
Centuries 1 Quatrain 47 (C.I Q.47)
Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 47
This verse in one of only two holding anagrams for DESTRUCTION. I assess the fourth line of the following verse as offering high quality evidence that Nostradamus writings contain astronomic code. Its context and conformity with the visble message help to show how the anagrams amplify the detail of each verse.
Line 4:
Note that this line forms a near perfect anagram series (it would be perfect if it used every letter and only required to use each letter once). It is consistent within itself and with all Nostradamus works. It is also true that its visible words and the hidden code have consistency There is also truth in the code as Nostradamus' most famous prophecies were those easily linked to the Royal Valoix / Valois family.
The relevance of this fourth line lies in the union it provides between Nostradamus' theme of great mutations and his coding methods. This can be seen by examining the other lines.
C.I Q.47.
Anagram sequences in the French text.
See Astronomy pages and Geneva 2065 for further insight into the power and accuracy held in this verse.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Centuries 1 Quatrain 46 (C.I Q.46)
Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 46
This verse that openly refers to 'Fire in the sky'
contains an anagram for 'meteorites'. There is only one other that also
has this anagram and there are none that hold anagrams of 'meteorite'.
Other anagrams in this verse have relevance to a fiery objects path,
contents and effects.
C.1 Q.46
Anagram sequences in French text.
Centuries 1 Quatrain 21 (C.I Q.21)
Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 21
This verse is another of those that gives every appearance of being central to Nostradamus' coding methods. Its visible message gives strong hints it is about minerals used by the priests that the people wrongly believe are toxic. The anagrams concealed by Nostradamus' own lettering have great internal strength and imply that Nostradamus' code is tied into the language and the usage of the highlighted letters in any text. It appears to make reference to the relationship between Enoch (as Metatron) and Gabriel as a coding basis for the ciphers. It is possible that the colours associated with these arch-angelic figures provide different sets of clues with one set being used for star references and the other alluding to more mundane chemistry.
C.1 Q.21
The rock holds in its depths white clay
which will come out milk-white from a cleft.
Needlessly troubled people will not dare touch it,
unaware that the foundation of the earth is of clay.
which will come out milk-white from a cleft.
Needlessly troubled people will not dare touch it,
unaware that the foundation of the earth is of clay.
Profonde argille blanche nourrit rochier
Qui d'vn abisme i$tra lacticineu$e.
En vain troublez ne l'o$eront toucher,
Ignorans e$tre au fond terre argilleu$e.
Qui d'vn abisme i$tra lacticineu$e.
En vain troublez ne l'o$eront toucher,
Ignorans e$tre au fond terre argilleu$e.
- <ciPher for reloading enoch label> <read on for enoch labelling our ciPher><gabrielle our channel><rhetoric [study of language] Proof ill danger>
- <in artiStical QueueS><riteS uSe anaclitic iambs><bi materialS><aStral><aSterism>
- <norSe train to nEver touch><leo'S rotten bluezone>
- <reasonIng featureS don't err> <found arSenates greater use Ignore ill><nItrogenaSes liguleS>
'C.1 Q.21',
poetic iambs,
Monday, October 28, 2013
Centuries 1 Quatrain 20 (c.i q.20)
Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 20
This verse is one of several that imply Nostradamus' use of musical means to emphasise his astronomic code. From its placement in this particular verse it is possible to conclude that this style of encodement is mainly relevant to a period of invasion in France. Its ties to Meistersinger then make it likely that it relates to the German occupation of France in the 20th Century.
C.1 Q.20
- The cities of Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims
- are troubled by sudden change.
- Tents will be pitched by (people) of foreign tongues
- rivers, darts at Rennes, shaking of land and sea.
- Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angiers, Reims et Nates
- Cites vexees par $ubit changement
- Par Langues e$tranges $eront tendues tentes
- Fleuues dards Renes terre & mer tremblement.
- <Neatest rimes><meisteRsinger Notates A Bolis[shooting star]><our TestameNts/sTatemeNts roLes>
- <men change bit > <teaching Sub-par><apex-vertiCes>
- <See strange RottenneSs tenet used> <anguLar steP Sets ranges><tuned PatternLess not greatneSS>
- <uue leFt address seen><use emblem tuneFul meter enters>
angular step,
c1 q20,
Centuries 1 Quatrain 18 (C.I Q.18)
Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 18
The following verse has an intriguing set of unusual anagrams that suggest an Asian/Persian/Islamic origin to Nostradamus's coding device. The device involves a dial or cage that can be aligned according to the poetic methods of Enoch and the Nordic Skalds. It is possible the context of the visible words relates to the participants who influenced Nostradamus' choice of this technique.
Anagram sequences in French text.
The following verse has an intriguing set of unusual anagrams that suggest an Asian/Persian/Islamic origin to Nostradamus's coding device. The device involves a dial or cage that can be aligned according to the poetic methods of Enoch and the Nordic Skalds. It is possible the context of the visible words relates to the participants who influenced Nostradamus' choice of this technique.
C.1 Q.18
- Because of French discord and negligence
- an opening shall be given to the Mohammedans.
- The land and sea of Siena will be soaked in blood,
- and the port of Marseilles covered with ships and sails
- Par la di$corde negligence Gauloi$e
- Sera pa$$aige a mahommet auuert
- De $ang trempe la terre & mer Senoi$e
- Le port Phocen de voilles & nefz couuer
Anagram sequences in French text.
- <Persia encoderS dial><Polarise a Disc><Sporadical legend><recogniSed> <louiS cage>
- <treaSure paSS><aS a mahomet image> <aSiaS uuater Spear>
- <norSe DeSignateS><Seer later/alter meter preSagement><prelate norSe tree DiSagreement>
- <Prophet true focuz loveliest ten encode><enoch Letter-Prop>
'C.1 q.18",
Enoch letter-prop.,
Norse tree disagreement,
Centuries I Quatrain 13 (C.1 Q.13)
Nostradamus- Centuries 1 Quatrain 13
This verse is the only one that has an anagram for
ruination. The anagrams suggest the mechanism of sexual power associated
with ancient agrarian fertility rituals is used to achieve the ends mentioned in
the text.
C.1 Q.13
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